Ombudsperson for professors and academic employees/qualifiers

The University places two Ombudspersons at the academic employees’ disposal. Both work on a voluntary basis and independently and can refer contraventions of the Code of Ethics to the university's own ethics committee. They are the first point of contact for university members if there is a suspicion that a violation of the Code of Ethics has occurred. more

Ombudsperson for Professors

  • Prof. Dr. Torben Schmidt

deputy Ombudsperson for Professors

  • Prof. Dr. Laura Venz

Ombudsperson for academic employees and academic qualifiers

  • Prof. Dr. Lea Boecker

deputy Ombudsperson for academic employees/qualifiers

  • Dr. Ing. Oliver Olsson

Ombudsperson for students and lecturers

The ombudsperson for students and lecturers is responsible for the internal communication with the University's management and administration. Furthermore, the Ombudsperson listens to the ideas, suggestions and problems expressed by the teaching staff and students, and acts as a mediator between the University's various stakeholder groups. The Ombudsperson offers the possibility of dealing with concerns anonymously, confidentially and in all neutrality, and can contribute to the resolution of personal conflicts on the basis of mediation.

  • Thies Reinck, M.A.
[Translate to Englisch:] Ombudsperson_Konflikties ©Leuphana

Ombudsperson for students and lecturers: policies and principles

  • Independence - The Ombudsperson for students and lecturers acts as autonomously as possible and independently of affiliation to any group or institution.
  • Confidentiality - The concerns raised with the Ombudsperson for students and lecturers are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
  • multi-partiality (on everybody's side)(on everybody's side) - The complaints brought before the Ombudsperson for students and lecturers are approached on the basis of neutrality and the aim to achieve solutions.
  • Regard - The work of the Ombudsperson for students and lecturers is always conducted with high regard for the persons concerned and their respective issues.

Thies Reinck is the spokesperson within the spokesperson collective of the "Netzwerk der Beschwerde- und Verbesserungsmanager*innen sowie Ombudspersonen für Studium und Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen" (BeVeOm) //


Ombudsbox for complaints and suggestions for improvement

Do you have any problems, complaints, suggestions, ideas, or would you like to share your views? Then use the Ombud's Box for any complaints and suggestions for improvement that you may have. All data are provided on a voluntary basis and treated as confidential. (click here)

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