Mission statement

Leuphana University of Lüneburg bases its development on a comprehensive educational and research concept. It sees itself as


In its understanding of education, Leuphana combines personality development and professional training and places the process of acquiring knowledge in concrete contexts.

Against this background, Leuphana understands the basic idea in the long tradition of humanism to be that man has the freedom to form his own character. This freedom to self-determination takes the university members of Leuphana into responsibility and requires a constant willingness to learn.

In order to promote this responsibility as well as self-determined learning processes in their studies, one third of the studies at the College and one quarter of the studies at the Graduate School consist of a special core curriculum: the Leuphana semester (at the College) and the complementary studies. In addition, Leuphana's doctoral programs are also specifically designed to stimulate reflection on academic self-understanding.

In research, digitality, cultures of criticism, democracy research, entrepreneurship, sustainability and diversity are important focal points on the fundamental question of freedom and responsibility.

For academic life on campus, we strive to create an atmosphere that is inspiring through lived diversity and mutual appreciation.



Leuphana contributes to the sustainable development of society through education and research. It contributes to the promotion of skills in dealing with complexity, interdisciplinary problem solving, independent and self-directed learning, the willingness and ability to assume social responsibility, in short: the ability to shape society.

Against this background, sustainability is a holistic and continuous challenge for Leuphana. Leuphana has the first and so far only school for sustainability in Europe and an exemplary sustainable campus. Along the way, Leuphana has been EMAS-certified since 2000, awarded the title of family-friendly university in 2010 and Fairtrade University in 2016, and was nominated for the German Sustainability Award in 2017. The university uses 100 percent green electricity, is supplied with regenerative heat, has installed photovoltaic systems on ten buildings and has been climate neutral since 2014.



Leuphana educates responsible and entrepreneurial personalities who possess creativity, reflexivity as well as the will and skills to creatively shape society. It makes an important contribution to solving societal problems through research, studies, further education and scientific services.

Against this background, Leuphana understands entrepreneurship as the recognition of opportunities as well as the courage and ability to act independently in the public interest. From the first semester onwards, Leuphana students are therefore challenged to work on practical projects on their own responsibility, especially during a opening week and a conference week. In research, all schools attach particular importance to transdisciplinary research approaches in order not only to explore the framework conditions for concrete social effectiveness, but also to test them in practice.

Leuphana offers its students and alumni start-up advice, scholarships, networks and support in the development and implementation of their projects. The Social Change Hub specifically promotes social-social entrepreneurial commitment. As a result, Leuphana has been one of the most start-up-friendly universities in Germany for many years. Many of these young companies are committed to sustainability.