Staff Council

The staff council is newly elected every 4 years and consists of members of the University. It advocates fair and safe working conditions for all employees.

Chairperson of the Staff Council

  • Daniel Simons

Council of Academic Staff

The Council of Academic Staff (WiMi-Council) represents the interests of mid-level academic staff. It advises all academic staff, represents their views in university policy discussions and planning processes and brings their problems to the attention of the relevant committees.

The WiMi-Council pools the interests of all academic staff. This status group includes not only employed and tenured academic staff (both doctoral and postdoctoral researchers), but also teaching staff for special tasks, lecturers, seconded civil servants and international academics.

Leuphana University has a WiMi Code (accessible via the Leuphana network and VPN), in which the guidelines for the employment of academic staff can be found. If your working conditions fall short of the guidelines described in the WiMi Code, don’t hesitate to contact the WiMi Council.


Sandra Neugärtner (Speaker)
Roman Isaac
Heiko Stubenrauch
Monika Tschense

You can also contact the WiMi Council at:

Leuphana University has a WiMi Code.

Further information on the WiMi Council can be found on the intranet under Intranet → Committees → WiMi Council.

Women’s Affairs & Equal Opportunities

The Office for Women’s Affairs and Equal Opportunities supports Leuphana University in fulfilling its goal of reaching equal employment opportunities. This objective is set forth in the Higher Education Act of Lower Saxony. The whole team is committed to the goal of creating a pleasant study, work, career and research environment that supports a family-friendly, gender- and diversity- friendly university culture. The Office for Women’s Affairs and Equal Opportunities develops strategies to eliminate existing disparities.

Representative for Women’s Affairs and Equal Opportunities

  • Dr. Kathrin van Riesen

Disabled Persons

Leuphana seeks to ensure that all workplaces are kept free of physical barriers and always fully accessible. This serves to provide fair and safe working conditions particularly for disabled persons.

Representative for Disabled Persons