Honorary Doctorates 2015

With the award of honorary doctorates, the faculties of Leuphana University of Lüneburg acknowledge the special academic merits of outstanding academic personalities at international level. They receive awards for achievements in research, teaching and science in the broad sense, which, to a great extent, are perceived as such within the relevant academic communities. The academic work of those awarded honorary doctorates is of great importance for the faculty from the point of view of content and methodology. Thus, it enriches their profile and that of the University. Their involvement over many decades makes them an example of lifelong learning, reflecting and keeping knowledge up to date in a variety of contexts. They are, therefore, a model for Leuphana as a university community.

The Faculty Council votes on who will receive an honorary doctorate. By the solemn award of the honorary doctorates as part of the dies academicus ceremony, the University accepts those to whom they are conferred into the fold of its community.


Honorary Doctorates of 2015

In recognition of his achievements in the field of anthropology, the Faculty of Education of Leuphana University of Lüneburg awards Prof. Dr. Timothy Ingold an honorary doctorate in Philosophy (Dr. phil. h. c.).

Prof. Dr. Timothy Ingold was born in 1948 and is a social anthropologist at the University of Aberdeen. His phenomenon-oriented, transdisciplinary research connects ascpects common to disciplines such as music, art, linguistics, anthropology, environmental research, phenomenology and educational sciences. His anthropological work has proved to be extremely influential in various disciplines ranging from biology to theology.

Ingold’s core hypothesis proposes that personhood rests on the biosocial process of becoming human. Humans are more human becomings rather than human beings. Beyond abstract nature/nurture and subject/object separations, the relational animal homificans emerges as activity (“To human is a verb”), where an animate lifestyle develops from a prior passivity. This education is understood as a continuous e-ducere, “leading out”: Fixed or changing perspectives and intentional destinations are not appropriate to human will. Quite the contrary, it is the dynamic perspective of the open path which generates attention in the midst of the environment. more

Die Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften verleiht den Ehrendoktortitel für seine Leistungen im Bereich des Europarechts an den deutschen Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Schwarze (Dr. jur. h. c.).

Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Schwarze, geb. 1944, em. o. Professor für deutsches und ausländisches öffentliches Recht, Europa- und Völkerrecht an der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., ist einer der profiliertesten Rechtswissenschaftler in den Bereichen des europäischen Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrechts sowie des europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts.

Seine Publikationen waren teilweise dizsiplinbegründend, etwa sein Werk zum europäischen Verwaltungsrecht. Im Zentrum seiner Arbeiten steht stets die Verbindung der mitgliedstaatlichen Rechtstraditionen mit dem Europarecht, wobei ein prononciert dogmatischer Zugriff stets mit rechtspolitischen Überlegungen verbunden wird. Er war langjährig Vorsitzender der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Europarecht, der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung sowie der Fédération Internationale por le droit européen.

Er hatte u.a. Lehrstühle an der Universität Hamburg sowie dem Europäischen Hochschulinstitut (EUI) in Florenz inne und ist Ehrendoktor der Universität Athen sowie Honorary Bencher of the Inner Temple, London. more

Honorary Doctorates of Leuphana

Honorary Doctorates of the past years, you can find at www.leuphana.de/personen