"We have our own Silicon Valley here in Lüneburg!"

2021-02-17 New episode on the MEZZANIN podcast

Praise for the innovative ecosystem of the Lüneburg region from a world market leader in laser technology - and Ralf Müller-Polyzou, head of marketing at LAP GmbH Laser Applikation knows what he's talking about. Because he himself is part of this ecosystem.

In addition to his professional activities in the management of the company with headquarters in Lüneburg, he is doing his doctorate at Leuphana and has initiated a promising cooperation there. Together with the Institute of Product and Process Innovation at Leuphana, his company is working on the development of an innovative medical product for the radiotherapy of cancer patients. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the state of Lower Saxony are funding this project.

In the current podcast episode, Ralf talks about his own professional career, the innovations of Hospital 4.0 and the value that the cooperation with Leuphana holds for his company.

The podcast is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Deezer.