• Leuphana
  • University
  • Leuphana Quality Management convinces all along the Line – System reaccredited until 2028

Leuphana Quality Management convinces all along the Line – System reaccredited until 2028

2021-03-29 What does my degree programme offer? Is the content really up to date with the latest research and is it compatible with other universities and the labour market - and, above all, how do I know?

The quality of study programmes in Germany is usually assessed by external accreditation agencies. Only a small group of all German universities are allowed to conduct these quality assessments on their own responsibility because they have a particularly comprehensive QM system. Since 2014, Leuphana has been the first university in Lower Saxony to belong to this group of system-accredited universities. And who audits the auditors? In order for Leuphana to be able to continue to call itself system-accredited, it has undergone an elaborate audit process over the last two years, at the end of which the German Accreditation Council has now re-awarded system accreditation until 2028. Particularly important in Leuphana's QM: student feedback, which is regularly collected and used to further develop teaching through course evaluations, qualitative feedback instruments such as Shift!, additional student surveys and quality circles on study programmes.