New Honorary Professor at Leuphana: Daniel Klingenfeld
2021-06-14 Daniel Klingenfeld is newly-appointed honorary professor at the Faculty of Sustainability. He conducts research on climate protection and climate policy.
Klingenfeld is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School (Master in Public Policy) and the ESCP Business School (M.Sc. in Management). He received his PhD from Technische Universität Berlin (TU) in 2012, with a focus on carbon pricing, design options of emissions trading systems and international cooperation. His doctoral thesis identified paths towards a global pricing of greenhouse gases as a means of avoiding dangerous climate change. While doing research for his doctorate, Klingenfeld was working at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), where he had been employed since 2009; initially as a research analyst to the Chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, before taking over as Head of the Director's Staff at PIK in 2012. Since March 2021, he has been working for the German Emissions Trading Authority within the Federal Environment Agency in Berlin. There he heads the department "Energy Installations, Aviation, Registry, and Economic Aspects" and is responsible for the implementation of the European Emissions Trading Scheme as well as for national emissions trading in Germany. As a distinguished author of scientific articles, contributions and monographs, he has participated in national and international dialogue processes as an expert on climate change and climate policy. Most recently, his publication "Menschheitsaufgabe Klimaschutz - Das Übereinkommen von Paris" (Humanity's Task of Climate Protection - The Paris Agreement) was published in the NACHHALTIGKEIT series.
Daniel Klingenfeld has been associated with Leuphana for several years: Since 2015, he has been teaching the seminar "Climate Protection as a Community Task: Solution Strategies at Global, European and (Sub) National Level" at the College. The seminar is regularly evaluated very positively.
"Only together will we shape a greenhouse gas-neutral, sustainable future: Civic engagement helps on a small scale to initiate behavioural changes and on a large scale to set groundbreaking framework conditions for production and consumption. And not only locally, but far beyond: "In the responsibility we bear, we should conceive of ourselves as global citizens," says the climate policy researcher. "Through my honorary professorship at Leuphana, I want to live a close exchange of theory and practice and inspire students for the opportunities of a transformation towards sustainability."