Part-time Master's program Environmental and Energy Law

2024-06-05 Lüneburg. Sound knowledge of environmental, energy and resource protection law is needed to tackle the climate crisis and consistently drive forward the energy transition. Leuphana University Lüneburg offers a part-time Master's degree course in Sustainability Law - Energy, Resources, Environment (LL.M.) and a certificate course in Environmental Law and Energy Transition Law. The study programs provide legal expertise on a wide range of current topics: climate change, coal phase-out, environmental protection and nature conservatiosn are just as much a part of it as tenant electricity, biofuels or grid regulation. Applications for the course starting in October are still possible until August 15.

In addition to traditional environmental law, the three-semester Master's course also teaches the highly topical energy and resource protection law. The course combines legal skills with application perspectives from environmental and natural sciences, economics and technology in an interdisciplinary approach. The degree course takes into account the special needs of working students by combining classroom-based courses at weekends with flexible e-learning options.

The study program is primarily aimed at applicants with a background in law, but is also suitable for academics with a background in business administration, economics, engineering or other related subjects.

Those interested can find out more about the course at the Professional School's digital info day on June 15 or at an online info event hosted by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus on June 18. Course coordinator Dr. Katrin Klitzke is also available for personal consultations (, phone 04131.677-1304).

Further information can be found here: