
Applied Sociology Psychology

From the department's point of view, applied social psychology does not only mean doing research in applied contexts. It also means engaging in transfer to other disciplines and to practice. The junior professorship is active in the transfer of research results, e.g. through

• Longstanding commitment to teacher training
The teaching concept includes the teaching of relevant basic psychological knowledge as well as the transfer of theoretical predictions to everyday professional life. The aim is to promote competences in situation diagnosis and to encourage reflection on professional action with a view to psychological findings.

• Transdisciplinary consulting and workshops
The department has consulted on the promotion of gender equality, e.g. the European Institute for Gender Equality and various research projects in applied disciplines (e.g., Serena (TU Dresden), IdentiPhy (IPN Kiel) or poliTE (CITEC Bielefeld)). In addition, workshops and lectures on effective integrative conflict resolution in civil engineering have been held. The junior professor is also a board member of the Association for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Civil Engineering (ASiB).