Leuphana closes campus - summer semester to start online on April 6

2020-03-20 Lüneburg. Last week, Leuphana University of Lüneburg had already decided to cancel all public events and not to have any classroom teaching on campus at the start of lectures on 6 April. Now all buildings on the university campus will be closed to the public. Only employees of the university will have access. Preparations for the start of the summer semester are nevertheless in full swing.

The majority of Leuphana employees already works from home. Only in those areas where some of the employees have to be on site, the work is continued on campus. This includes IT services, personnel administration, accounting and campus infrastructure. Meetings are now only held in the form of telephone or video conferences. The library is closed to the public. However, more than 50 percent of the book stock and more than 95 percent of the journal stock as well as all databases are available to Leuphana members electronically. Research will be continued as far as possible.

Against the background of the measures taken to contain the coronavirus, Leuphana had decided to convert as many of the courses previously planned as classroom events for the summer semester 2020 as possible to alternative formats at short notice. All of Leuphana's lecturers are already working on enabling students to continue their studies despite the serious situation, in particular with various forms of digital teaching.

Due to the foreseeable development of the coronavirus pandemic, the university is preparing for the fact that there will be no classroom teaching on campus for a much longer period of time than just until April 19, 2020.