Proof of Stake – Technological Claims. Group exhibition in Kunstverein in Hamburg

04. Sep - 14. Nov

In cooperation with Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Museum am Rothenbaum. Kulturen und Künste der Welt and University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK). 4.9.–14.11.2021

We are very pleased to invite you to Proof of Stake – Technological Claims, a group exhibition, symposium, educational project and publication initiated by the Kunstverein in Hamburg and artist Simon Denny. The exhibition will reflect on themes of technology, and ownership, which have also been central to a related seminar series and forthcoming pair of publications. The exhibition is named after an ownership-based blockchain protocol which has increased in visibility after competing systems were criticised for incentivising high energy consumption. Proof of Stake questions how the framing of processes or objects as ‘technological’ performs cultural work - from blockchain protocols to museum reification practices. It will foreground the question of who gets to claim the technical, which is often accompanied with a legitimacy or naturalization of what could otherwise read as political processes. In dialogue with some of the region’s most important institutions like the MARKK (Museum am Rothenbaum), Denny and collaborators such as artist Timur Si-Qin and scholars of media and organization Timon Beyes and Claus Pias (Leuphana University Lüneburg) and Robin Holt (Copenhagen Business School) will unpack who and what plays a role in technology’s legitimation processes and how they interact with ownership and power.

In cooperation with Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Museum am Rothenbaum. Kulturen und Künste der Welt and University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK).

Curated by Bettina Steinbrügge and Simon Denny

3.9.2021, 7pm
Talks by: Christoph Seibt, Timm Weber, Bettina Steinbrügge

4.9.2021, 1pm
Curator’s Guided Tour and Artist Talk with Bettina Steinbrügge, Simon Denny, a.o.

4.9.2021, 2pm

2pm: Introduction Robin Holt (Copenhagen Business School), Timon Beyes, Claus Pias (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

2:15pm: Artist Panel

3pm: Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam)

3:30pm: Ute Holl (University of Basel)

4pm: Bettina Vismann (Architect, Berlin)

4:30pm: Nishant Shah (ArtEZ University of the Arts, NL)

5pm: Clare Birchall, (King’s College London)

5:30pm: Book launch Media Organize. A Companion to Technological Objects
With Students from HFBK Hamburg & Leuphana University Lüneburg

Kunstverein in Hamburg
Klosterwall 23
20095 Hamburg

T +49 40 322157
