Info day at the Professional School: Studying part-time

2024-06-07 Lüneburg. Anyone who has a career and wants to continue their education no longer has to leave their job to study. More and more degree courses are specifically tailored to the needs of working people and can be completed while working. The Professional School at Leuphana University of Lüneburg has been offering a wide range of Bachelor's, Master's and certificate programs since 2009. On June 15 and 20, the Professional School will be presenting its courses online.

At the events, those responsible for the degree programs will present their courses in digital lectures and discussions and will be available to answer questions from interested parties. In addition to the degree programs and certificates, the Professional School itself, financing options for studying and the individual continuing education certificates in connection with the 200-module continuing education portal will also be presented. On Saturday, June 15, 2024, starting at 10 a.m., the focus will be on part-time German-language Bachelor's and Master's degree courses. For those interested in getting to know the campus, there will be an optional warm-up event on the Leuphana campus on Universitätsallee on Friday from 5 pm. On Thursday evening, 20 June 2024, an overview of the compact continuing education formats and certificate programs is on the agenda from 6 pm.

Demand for Leuphana's continuing education courses has risen continuously in recent years. The Professional School currently has over 1,600 students. It has developed into one of the most important academic continuing education providers in northern Germany and one of the largest continuing education institutions at German universities.

The event program, further information and an online registration form for the Info Days are available at