Deutsch Tansanische Partnerschaft DTP

Role: Teaching Assistant

The German-Tanzanian Partnership organises volunteer services in and from Tanzania and conducts environmental and educational projects.

Their main aim is to foster international understanding through exchanges in volunteer programs, promote climate protection by developing projects concerning renewable energies, and create sponsorships to support Tanzanian students in the course of their education.

The volunteer service "Practice in Global Learning for Teachers" makes an effective contribution to development policy information and education work in terms of global learning. It enhances intercultural understanding and helps to increase awareness and acceptance within society of how development policy issues impact on our future. In addition to acquiring knowledge of foreign languages and of specialist development topics, the volunteers will also learn about intercultural communication, socio-cultural cooperation and social responsibility, all valuable skills in an increasingly globalised learning and working environment.

  • General Info
  • Duties
  • Application Requirements
  • Costs
  • Contact Person at DTP
  • Links

General Info

The volunteer program addresses teacher trainee students as well as teachers up to the age of 28. The programm lasts for ten months, starting at the beginning of December until the end of September the following year.

The program aims at exchanging German and Tanzanian teaching methods as well as supporting Tanzanian schools. Furthermore, it broadens the experience horizon of (future) teachers, esepecially regarding the field of global learning.

The ten months include: introduction, language courses (voluntary), volunteer program in Sansibar (with a local mentor), seminar upon return to reflect upon experiences.

The national language is Swahili. Basic knowledge is a prerequisite to participate in the program. Although the classroom language is English, language skills are sometimes very low. Therefore, volunteers will participate in a 4-week langauge course (all through December) in Sansibar city prior to their work placement. The actual teaching starts in January.


Prior to the stay:

  • create a sponsors' association to collect 1950 EUR (volunteers should contribute with a monthly donation of around EUR 200)
  • participate in a Swahili language course (voluntary, EUR 250)
  • apply for Visa and Resident Permit

During the stay:

  • teaching assistance at one of three possible schools in a tandem with a Tanzanian colleague

Application Requirements

You can apply if your are...

  • under 28 years of age when beginning the voluntary service
  • a stiudent teacher or a teacher
  • a German citizen (or have a right of residence)


The programme weltwärts of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) supports all volunteers with a monthly stipend of 580 EUR respectively 6960 EUR per year. This covers 75 percent of all costs, the remaining 25 per cent are carried by, both, volunteer and DTP together through fundraising. For more info on how to create your own sponsors' association click here.

The DTP covers e.g.:

  • flights and travelling expenses to and from the seminars
  • seminars and mentoring throughout and beyond the stay abroad
  • accommodation and food (volunteers will live with Tanzanian hsot families)
  • pocket money
  • insurance (health, personal liability and accident insurance)

Contact Person at DTP

Renate Grunert


Deutsch Tansanische Partnerschaft e.V.
Jessenstr. 4-6
22767 Hamburg