Zoopolitics of Life and Death. Critical Animal Studies Graduate Conference


Room C 40.704 (and online)

Organized by: The Center for Critical Studies (CCS) and Institute of Philosophy and Art History (IPK) conjointly with THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE) at Ca’Foscari University of Venice.

This two-day international conference brings together graduate students and early scholars from the Humanities  and Social Sciences to critically address the multifaceted issue of politics of life and death of nonhuman animals.
The concepts of zoopolitics and biopolitics have traditionally been addressed separately, based respectively on a distinction of zoé and bios. These, as two different Greek terms for “life” have been used, in the first case, to merely refer to the lives of nonhuman animals, and the second to a distinctively human form of life. However, these terms need to be articulated together to address the multispecies composition of contemporary natureculture assemblages and their lively capital.

Following the principles of Critical Animal Studies, the conference thus adopt a holistic approach to confront oppressions, shared exploitation and vulnerability, but also to put liveability and flourishing according to a total liberation framework to the forefront.


Keynote Speaker: Benedetta Piazzesi. EHESS/Centre de recherches historiques, Paris

Biopolitics and Zootechnics: Historicising Power over Animals


Find the full program here and a the book of abstracts  here.


To participate via Zoom:


ID: 896 1632 6993

Passcode: 10L39w


For any inquiry and additional information, please write to Chiara Stefanoni (Leuphana University) and Federica Timeto (Ca’ Foscari University) at: zoopolitics.conference@gmail.com


Zoopolitics of Life and Death Critical Animal Studies Graduate Conference ©Ca'Foscari/CCS/IPK
Zoopolitics of Life and Death Critical Animal Studies Graduate Conference