CSRCOM: International Conference on Sustainability Communication at Leuphana.

2022-03-28 CSRCOM 2022 will be held at Leuphana's central building from 14 to 16 September 2022. Call for submissions ends next Friday, 1 April 2022.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), or sustainability communication, is becoming increasingly important for corporate sustainability management: Investors, customers or employees seek information on the social and green performance of companies of all sizes - from young start-ups to major Dax-listed corporations. Above a certain size, companies are even legally obliged to be accountable in the form of sustainability reporting. Thanks to increasing digitalisation, companies have various communication channels at their disposal for their sustainability communication, including social media. But whether and how companies reach the right stakeholders with the desired information is something that needs further investigation, especially in times of increasingly polarised discourses and the spread of disinformation.

After five successful conferences in Amsterdam, Aarhus, Ljubljana, Vienna and Stockholm, Leuphana University Lüneburg is now hosting the sixth edition of the CSR Communication (CSRCOM) conference titled "CSR Communication: New Challenges in the Age of Digitalisation and Disinformation". "We are looking forward to welcoming renowned scholars from the interdisciplinary research field of CSR and sustainability communication from all over the world," says Dr Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich, Professor of Business Administration, in particular Business Ethics, and host of the conference.

Participants can expect a top-class supporting programme. For example, the American political scientist Lance Bennett, professor at the University of Washington and author of numerous books on political communication, will be among the guests. Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Information Ethics at the University of Oxford, will speak on the panel on artificial intelligence. Juliane Reinicke, Professor of International Management and Sustainability at King's College London, will also present a keynote speech. From Leuphana, Dr. Matthias Wenzel, Professor of Business Administration, in particular Organisation, Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Professor of Business Administration, in particular Communication and Cultural Management, and Dr. Dennis Schoeneborn, Visiting Professor at the Institute of Management and Organisation, will also attend the conference.

CSRCOM invites academics and professionals from the fields of communication, management and sustainability sciences to network and engage in debate. The programme is also open to PhD students. In the context of a PhD seminar, young academics have the opportunity to deepen their methodological skills in the field of CSR & CSR communication from 13 to 14 September.

End of call for submissions and deadline for scientific papers and panel discussions is 1 April. Abstracts can be submitted via the conference website: csr-com.org.

On the occasion of the conference, a special issue of the renowned journal "Management Communication Quarterly" on the topic "CSR Communication in the Age of Digitalisation and Polarisation" will be published. In the course of the conference, authors can learn more about this special issue during a panel discussion with the guest editors, including Dr Dennis Schoeneborn, Dr Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich and Dr Matthias Wenzel. Submissions are open directly to the journal until 15 December 2022, regardless of the conference.


  • Prof. Dr. Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich