Professor Kirchberg appointed to the board of trustees of the Hanns Lilje Foundation

2022-05-03 Lüneburg/Hanover. Dr. Volker Kirchberg, Professor of the Sociology of the Arts at the Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organisation at Leuphana University Lüneburg, has now been appointed to the twelve-member, honorary board of trustees of the Hanns Lilje Foundation. The board meets three times a year, shapes the profile and orientation of the foundation and decides on the allocation of project funds.

Commenting on his commitment to the Hanover-based foundation, Professor Kirchberg says: "As a social scientist, it is important to me that social and cultural science discourses in particular help to recognise and support the importance of science for the coexistence of civil society. Arts and cultures have more than an educational function of aesthetic education; their power to shape society can be promoted much more. I would like to promote the fact that the Protestant Church as an institution and faith as a value system not only discursively accompany these central areas of social life, but also implement them.”

Together with Kirchberg, two other new members of the Board of Trustees were appointed: Dr Elke Gryglewski, Managing Director of the Stiftung Niedersächsische Gedenkstätten (Lower Saxony Memorials Foundation), and Björn Bertram, Managing Director of the Landesjugendring Niedersachsen e.V. (Lower Saxony Youth Ring).

The Hanns Lilje Foundation promotes the dialogue of church and theology with science, technology, economy, art and politics. It was founded in 1989 and, with assets of around 14.6 million euros, is one of the largest supporting church foundations in Germany. The foundation is named after the former regional bishop (1947 - 1971) Hanns Lilje.

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