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Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Accounting, Tax, Sustainable Corporate Governance, Audit & Corporate Finance (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Patrick Velte

Inhalt: Wahl eines aktuellen Themas aus den Bereichen Accounting, Auditing, Tax oder Corporate Governance und empirische Bearbeitung einer nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Fragestellung. Die Bachelorarbeit ist in englischer Sprache im Journal-Style zu verfassen. Themengebiete/Forschungsschwerpunkte: Financial, Sustainability & Integrated Reporting, Audit & Sustainability Assurance, Tax Accounting, (Sustainable) Corporate Governance

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Accounting, Tax, Sustainable Corporate Governance, Audit & Corporate Finance (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Rainer Lueg

Inhalt: Themengebiet/Forschungsschwerpunkte: Advanced econometrics, and structural equation modelling Computer - aided text analysis Diffusion theory, institutional theory, and upper echelons theory Systematic literature reviews, and bibliometrics

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Laura Venz

Inhalt: *Offene Themen: unten *Open, topics: below ***Masterarbeit / Master thesis*** Systematisches Review zu Ruhezeiten/Pausen/4-Tage-Woche (bzw. compressed work week) und Erholung/Schlaf/... in Zusammenarbeit mit der Arbeitszeitgesellschaft (Zweitbetreuung: PD Dr. Anne Marit Wöhrmann). Wenn Sie sich für diese Masterarbeit interessieren, schreiben Sie mir bitte eine E-Mail, um einen gemeinsamen Informationstermin mit Anne M. Wöhrmann zu vereinbaren. ---- Systematic review on rest periods/breaks/4-day-work week/compressed work week and recovery/sleep/ ... in collaboration with the Arbeitszeitgesellschaft (second supervisor: PD Dr. Anne Marit Wöhrmann). If you are interested in this master thesis, please write me an email to arrange a joint information meeting with Anne M. Wöhrmann. https://arbeitszeitgesellschaft.wildapricot.org _________ Offene Themen / Open topics *Englisch below* Themen: Arbeit und Gesundheit in einer digitalisierten Arbeitswelt Erholung von Arbeitsstress Vorgehensweise: Quantitativ empirisch! Individuelle Abschlussarbeit mit Einbindung in eine Projektgruppe. Verfassen der Arbeit auf Deutsch oder Englisch möglich. __________ Topics: Work and health in a digitized working world Recovery from work stress Method: Quantitatively empirical! Individual thesis with integration into a project group. Thesis can be written in German or English.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Auditing & Tax (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Dörte Mody

Inhalt: Themenschwerpunkte: Internationale Rechnungslegung, Internationales Steuerrecht, Betriebliche Steuerlehre Themenabsprache nach Kontaktaufnahme

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Digitale Transformation und Informationsmanagement (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Paul Drews

Inhalt: As a professor of information systems, I mainly supervise master theses in the major Business Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) and the master program Management & Data Science. However, I also supervise a few thesis in business administration (mainly in IBAE, Management & BD, Management & Entrepreneurship). If you are interested in writing a thesis in the area of digital transformation which is both research-driven and practice-oriented, you might like to apply for a thesis. Potential topics (selection, but not limited to): Digital Transformation, IT Governance / IT Management, Enterprise Architecture Management, IT Innovation Management, Agile Transformation / Scaling Agile, Data-driven business models Preferred methods are qualitative-empirical and (action) design science. Language according to your preference DE or EN.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Culture (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Boukje Cnossen

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Gründungsmanagement und -finanzierung (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Reinhard Schulte

Inhalt: Der Lehrstuhl für Gründungsmanagement stellt einen Pool von Themen für die Erstellung von Abschlussarbeiten zur Verfügung. Dem Status des jeweiligen Themas können Sie entnehmen, ob ein Thema "frei" oder "reserviert" ist. Freie Themen können von Ihnen übernommen werden. Als "reserviert" gilt ein Thema, sobald ein Gliederungspapier bzw. Projektantrag in Bearbeitung ist oder mit der Erstellung der Arbeit begonnen wurde. Sobald Sie sich für ein Thema interessieren, können Sie gerne mit dem/der Ansprechpartner*in von unserem Lehrstuhl in Kontakt treten und das weitere Vorgehen besprechen. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Merkblätter, den "Leitfaden zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten" sowie einen Musterprojektantrag für Abschlussarbeiten im Materialordner.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Innovationsmanagement (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Ursula Weisenfeld

Inhalt: Informationen zu möglichen Themen und zum Vergabeverfahren finden Sie hier https://www.leuphana.de/institute/imo/innovation-management/abschlussarbeiten.html

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Kommunikation und Kulturmanagement (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Maik Riggers

Inhalt: Die Professur für BWL, insb. Kommunikations- und Kulturmanagement bietet interessierten Studierenden im SoSe 23 die Möglichkeit, ihre Abschlussarbeit in folgenden Themenbereichen anzufertigen: - Digital Communication - Human-Bot-Interaction - Entrepreneurial Communication - CSR-Communication - Evaluation von Kommunikationsmaßnahmen In den Abschlussarbeiten sollen aktuelle Fragestellungen unter Anwendung quantitativ- oder qualitativ-empirischer Verfahren bearbeitet werden. Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Themenfeldern entnehmen Sie gern den in dem Ordner "Themen" unter "Material" bereitgestellten Dokumenten.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Management und Organisation (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Dennis Schoeneborn

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Marketing (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Jörg Sikkenga

Inhalt: Themenfindung, -konkretisierung und -strukturierung, Literatursuche und -auswertung, Zeitplanung, Bewertungskriterien einer Bachelorarbeit sowie Klärung allgemeiner Fragen. Insgesamt sind drei Blocktermine vorgesehen: 1. Termin: Auseinandersetzung mit den Anforderungen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens 2. Termin: Präsentation und Diskussion der laufenden Bachelorarbeitsprojekte 3. Termin: Präsentation und Diskussion der laufenden Bachelorarbeitsprojekte Bachelorarbeiten mit folgenden Themenschwerpunkten können betreut werden: Themenfeld Kommunikation (Social Media, Start-Up, Change Communication, Kulturkommunikation, Krisenkommunikation), strategisches Marketing sowie Konsumentenverhalten.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Marketing (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Kerstin Brockelmann

Inhalt: Themengebiete/ Forschungsschwerpunkte: Customer Relationship Management Marken- und Vertriebsmanagement (Online)-Handel und E-Commerce Markt- und Konsumentenpsychologie

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Marketing (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Meikel Soliman

Inhalt: Nachfolgende Themen betreue ich sehr gerne Happiness/Purpose Consumer Embarrassment Consumer Ethics Herangehensweise Grundsätzlich betreue ich quantitative/experimentelle und weniger qualitative Abschlussarbeiten. Zu den Formalia Sofern Sie bei mir Ihre Abschlussarbeit schreiben gelten sowohl die IMO-Guidelines als auch meine Hinweise zu der formalen Gestaltung, die ich Ihnen sehr gerne zukommen lasse. Zu der Bewerbung - Lebenslauf - Aktueller Notenauszug I am very happy to support the following topics Happiness/Purpose Consumer Embarrassment Consumer Ethics Approach Generally I supervise quantitative/experimental and less qualitative theses. Concerning the formalities If you are writing your thesis with me, the IMO guidelines apply, as well as my instructions on the formal design, which I will be happy to send you. To the application - curriculum vitae - Current transcript of grades

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Marketing (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Monika Imschloß

Inhalt: We offer supervision for theses that cover topics of marketing/consumer behavior with a focus on sensory marketing, digitalization, or sustainability. The list of topics is uploaded and offers an orientation for exemplarily topics. If you are interested in one or more topics, please fill out the excel document ("application_form"). The fields which are marked yellow should be filled in by you (if applicable). Then save the file under your SURNAME (i.e. the file name is your last name: "application_form_SURNAME") and upload your completed document in the "Applications" folder. Additionally, upload a current transcript of records (the file should be labeled: "transcript_SURNAME"). If you want to propose your own topic, you can also send me a short email in advance with a small "executive summary" of your proposal by email (e.g., motivation/relevance of the topic, key previous research findings in the field, planned research question, planned research methodology). I will then provide feedback on whether we can supervise your topic. For all: Please note that a final commitment of a thesis supervision will only be made on the official date. I.e. even if a topic is considered interesting and BA-worthy by me, the decision about a thesis supervision will only be communicated at the designated time according to the official "Vergabeverfahren".

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Organisation (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Matthias Wenzel

Inhalt: TOPICS The Professorship for Organization Studies supervises Bachelor and Master theses in the areas of organization, strategy, and entrepreneurship that are designed as conceptual papers, qualitative studies, or literature reviews. The approach of the Professorship for Organization Studies is to help students find and specify their topic in areas of organization, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Therefore, students do not apply for a supervision place with a fixed topic. 1. APPLICATION AND SELECTION The selection procedure at the Professorship for Organization Studies is inseparably connected with the formal procedure for coordinating supervision places at the School of Management & Technology. The application deadline is communicated by the Study Dean’s Office, and selection decisions are communicated in keeping with the regulations by the Study Dean’s Office. For an application to be complete, it is indispensable to upload an up-to-date performance record from QIS. Please use the folder “applications” on myStudy to do so. If the number of applications exceeds available supervision capacities, decisions on acceptance/rejection are made based on your performance in courses and seminars of the Professorship for Organization Studies. For this purpose, we convert the grades achieved in these courses and seminars into points and rank received applications from the highest to lowest total number of points achieved; in case of point parity, the lot decides. For this, we use the following scheme: -1.0: 10 points -1.3: 8 points -1.7: 6 points -2.0: 5 points -2.3: 4 points -2.7: 3 points -3.0: 2.5 points -3.3: 2 points -3.7: 1.5 points -4.0: 1 point -5.0: 0 points For courses and seminars with (at least partial) written performance records, we concede the double amount of points. Students who submit an application after rejection in previous semesters receive five extra points. !!! Please note that an acceptance notification is conditional upon meeting the deadlines specified below. !!! 2. TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Once you receive an acceptance notification, your main task is to develop a topic for your final thesis. As you know, a final thesis is a piece of scientific work. As such, your final thesis is expected to extend theory debates—in our case, in organization, entrepreneurship, or strategy. Therefore, your next step is to read, read, read, … so as to embed your thesis in a stream of research that you would like to extend. This does not mean that you are not allowed to be interested in a certain organizational, strategic, or entrepreneurial phenomenon that is relevant for practitioners, quite the contrary. After all, a key question that we will ask you is in which ways your analysis of that phenomenon extends our understanding of extant debates in organization, strategy, or entrepreneurship research. As you most likely also know by now, the key currency in management and entrepreneurship is journal articles. Therefore, we recommend focusing your reading on journal articles. This list provides you with an overview of journals in our field: https://vhbonline.org/vhb4you/vhb-jourqual/vhb-jourqual-3/gesamtliste In the colloquium (more on this below), we will discuss some merits and pitfalls of such rankings. However, as a rule of thumb, when searching for and specifying topics, you can typically ignore articles published in journals with a rating of C or lower. To provide you with more specificity: What we ask you to do is to identify a stream of literature that faces a certain gap/challenge that you would like to address with your final thesis. Among others, streams of literature could be: -Utopias and dystopias, real utopias -Organizational identity -Strategy as practice -The theory–practice gap, the impact of management and entrepreneurship research, rigor/relevance -Legitimacy/legitimation -Discourse/narratives in strategy-making -Temporality -Path dependence -Strategic persistence -Tensions, dilemmas, dualities, dialectics, and paradoxes -Boredom in organizations -Affect and atmospheres in organizations This is not a definite list. Zillions of other options are feasible as well. Your task is to position your final thesis in a stream of literature that you find interesting, and that deserves to be extended. 3. TOPIC SPECIFICATION Furthermore, we ask you to specify your topic while reading. Importantly, this work should lead you to a clearly articulated research question. Good research questions typically begin with “how” or “why”. Furthermore, when specifying your topic, please remember that the university system is dedicated to truth-seeking, not consulting (but of course, your can write a section on practical implications later on). Therefore, we are interested in understanding and explaining how things *are*, not in prescribing how things *can* or *should* be. As a stylistic example, a good research question is: How do organizational members change an organizational identity? In turn, a bad example is: How can actors change an organizational identity? (please note that the good example is good in terms of style, not content because it is way too broad) 4. PROPOSAL Based on these specifications, we ask you to compose a proposal (max. two pages) for your final thesis. This proposal should explicate the following aspects: 1. The working title 2. Research question: (as explained in the previous paragraph) 3. Relevance: Why is it interesting to address this research question? By relevance, we mean “theoretical relevance”: Why is it important to address the theoretical problem at hand? 4. Positioning: In which stream of literature is the topic embedded? What do we know? What do we not know or what is the problematic assumption that you would like to challenge? 5. Methodological approach: If your intend to conduct an empirical study, please specify your research design and your aspired data collection procedures. Please note that conceptual theses are eligible as well. If so, elaborations on methodical procedures are not required. 6. Abstract description of expected findings: When developing your ideas, you might already have ideas about the direction that your analysis might take. If so, please sketch this direction here. Please use the “Proposal upload” folder on myStudy to hand in our proposal. 5. FEEDBACK MEETINGS AND REGISTRATION OF FINAL THESES In order to provide you with feedback and enable mutual learning, the minimum requirement for a supervision of your final-thesis project is to participate in two meetings in which we will discuss your proposal. The first meeting is meant to be a status report. We will use this meeting to discuss your initial ideas based on your proposals as well as a brief two-min pitch of your idea (no slides required). Neither your proposal nor your ideas have to be perfect at this stage. The key aim of this meeting is to provide you with constructive feedback. However, if we conclude after the first meeting that your topic is well-elaborated, and if you would like to immediately start working on your final thesis, we will register your final thesis immediately after the meeting. The working time specified in your study regulations will start at this day. If we conclude after the first meeting that the concept of your final thesis requires substantial revisions, we allow you to revise your proposal until the second meeting. The second meeting, then, serves as a further feedback platform for open questions, potential adjustments, and specifications. Your final thesis will be registered immediately after this meeting. 6. PROCEDURES AND DEADLINES -Ca. 1 month after the acceptance notification: Proposal submission -Ca. 1 month after the acceptance notification: 1st feedback session and potential registration of your final thesis -Ca. 1.5 months after the acceptance notification: 2nd feedback session and definite registration of your final thesis The exact dates and deadlines are communicated with the acceptance notification. 7. COLLOQUIUM In the summer term, the two feedback meetings will take place as part of Prof. Wenzel’s IBAE Bachelor Colloquium. Bachelor students who will compose their final thesis at the Professorship of Organization Studies are strongly encouraged to participate in the entire colloquium. 8. THE FINAL THESIS: STRUCTURE AND FORMAL REQUIREMENTS Final theses composed at the Professorship for Organization Studies adhere to the style guide of the Institute of Management & Organization. You find the style guide under “Material” on myStudy. The submission format is set by the current study regulations. 9. DEFENSE (only for Bachelor Theses) Upon submission, we will begin to assess your final thesis. Once this is complete, we will set up a ZOOM meeting in which you will get to defend your final thesis. This meeting will take about 30 min. For this meeting, we ask you to prepare a 5-min summary of the key arguments of your final thesis (slides are optional). This summary will serve as a springboard the subsequent discussion.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Organisation & Entrepreneurship (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Laura Fey, Elke Schüßler

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Psychology & Entrepreneurship (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Michael Gielnik

Inhalt: Topics for your thesis The psychology of entrepreneurship, in particular entrepreneurship training dynamic perspective: how cognition, motivation, emotions drives entrepreneurial performance, but also the other way around why and for whom entrepreneurship training has positive short- and long-term effects on entrepreneurial behavior and well-being theoretical foundation: self- and action regulation theory Literature Frese, M. & Gielnik, M. M. (2023). The psychology of entrepreneurship: Action and process. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 10, 137-164. Frese, M., Gielnik, M. M., & Mensmann, M. (2016). Psychological training for entrepreneurs to take action: Contributing to poverty reduction in developing countries. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(3), 196-202. The nature and dynamics of self-efficacy self-efficacy is an important driver of performance, but it might also negatively relate to performance self-efficacy is fairly stable, but how do within-person variations in self-efficacy add to our understanding of the construct of self-efficacy and its motivational function theoretical foundation: self- and action regulation theory and process perspective Literature Gielnik, M. M., Bledow, R., & Stark, M. S. (2020). A dynamic account of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(5), 487-505. Bledow, R., Gielnik, M.M., et al. (under review). Integrating Within- and Between-Person Variability: A Process View on Self-Efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Strategisches Management (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Markus Reihlen

Inhalt: The Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship professorship supervises conceptual and qualitative empirical theses in strategy, entrepreneurship, management, and organizational theory. Current areas of interest include: - Strategic Management - Organization theory and design - New forms of organization - Entrepreneurship (corporate, digital, social entrepreneurship) - Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - New forms of working and organizing (Agile, Holacracy, Coworking, etc.) - Integration of corporate and sustainability strategy - Digitalization and digital transformation In general, you can also contribute your own conceptual and empirical ideas as long as they roughly fall within the professorship's thematic areas and methodological orientations.

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie (Belegung)

Dozent/in: David Loschelder

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Wirtschaftsethik (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich

Inhalt: Themengebiete/ Forschungsschwerpunkte - Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication - Digitale Ethik - Diversity Management - Female/Social Entrepreneurship - Responsible Management - Sustainability and Management

Betreuung Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 - Wirtschaftspsychologie (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Jürgen Deller

Inhalt: Im Rahmen der Vergabe von Abschlussarbeiten biete ich zu folgenden Themenfeldern Arbeiten an: 1. Betriebliches Management alternder Belegschaften unter Anwendung des Later Life Workplace Indexes, Fallstudien 2. Zur Nutzung künstlicher Intelligenz bei der Analyse konstruktorientierter längsschnittlicher Datensätze The following topic is available for theses in English: None at the moment.

Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten WiSe 2024/25 durch andere Erstprüfer*innen (Belegung)

Dozent/in: Sünje von Helldorff