Dr. Fabrizio Li Vigni

Dr. Fabrizio Li Vigni

Fabrizio Li Vigni is PhD in sociology. After having studied philosophy, history and sociology of sciences at the University of Palermo, the University of Barcelona and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, he has conducted a doctoral research at the latter on the philosophy, history and sociology of "complex systems sciences". He has been Junior Fellow at MECS from January to June 2018 and from April to September 2019. His postdoc is about the sociology of participatory modeling: he will study a project called "Post-Car", which is an action-research device coupling serious games to agent-based modeling in order to plan urban (re)building in a democratic way with local citizens.

He has published two reports of two past MECS conferences:

- “Traveling Codes” Leuphana Workshop – 30-31 March 2017. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 2017, Vol. 136 74–81. 
- Agent Cultures and Zombielands – 23-25 June 2016 Leuphana Conference. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 2017, Vol. 133 71–77. 


Governing through participatory scenarios: the case of Companion Modeling

This project proposes to understand the governance by scenarios (Granjou & Mauz, 2011) through the study of Companion Modeling (Collectif ComMod, 2005). Founded by a group of French scientists from CIRAD, ComMod is a techno-political promise offering to bring more democracy and justice to the management of public goods. It involves researchers, citizens and decision makers, and it mobilizes sophisticated techno-scientific devices, called agent-based models (ABM), for the urban planning and the natural resources management. This project will lean on two methodological approaches: a scientometric one, to study ABM sub-communities through CorTexT software, and a sociological one grounded on the ethnographical study of a ComMod project. It concerns a participatory simulation of the Ile-de-France Region’s mobility for a car-free city. The present proposal offers to analyze this case with a double theoretical eye, informed by Science & Technology Studies and Pragmatist sociologies.

Keywords: Futures; Participation; Companion Modeling; Agent-based Models; Urbanism; Computational Sciences; Science & Technology Studies; Pragmatist sociologies.