Study and Care Responsibility
Balancing studies with caregiving responsibilities not only presents students with organizational challenges, but is often accompanied by physical and psychological stress. Leuphana University offers a variety of support options for organizing your studies, such as pre-selection rights. Please feel free to ask for advice at the Family Service.
CHE brochure "Study and Care Responsibility"
The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), together with the association "Familie in der Hochschule" (Family in Higher Education), has published an information brochure on the topic of "Studying with Caregiving Responsibilities." The number of people in need of care in Germany is increasing, and with it the number of students who are involved in the care of parents, grandparents or partners. The often time-consuming and stressful care work demands a lot from students. The consequences for their studies can range from missed seminar deadlines to dropping out.
The guidebook "Studying with Caregiving Responsibilities" answers the most important questions about support services for caregiving students.
Pause button - Those who help others sometimes need help themselves
In order to offer help and support to children, teenagers and young adults who care for relatives, the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) initiated the nationwide project "Pausentaste - Wer anderen hilft, braucht manchmal selbst Hilfe" in cooperation with "Nummer gegen Kummer e.V.". The website "" provides reports, link tips and a database for searching for support options, as well as materials to download. The aim is to help young caregivers reduce fears and break down isolations