Information for students

This page provides information on subjects, such as BAföG, parental benefit, parental leave, child care, maternity leave, tuition fees, leave of absence, part-time study, scholarships & funding, financial support for foreign families and right of precedence.
You are welcome to contact Family Services for all other, as well as individual, queries and issuses.


Leave of absence

Financial support for foreign families

  • Exceptional hardship

Child care

Maternity leave

Part-time studies

Pre-selection of courses


Financial support for students is not reserved to German nationals. According to Section 8 of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BaföG), many foreign students are also eligible to receive this funding assistance. As a rule, socially integrated foreign students, who have good prospects of remaining in Germany, are eligible for this support. These are persons holding a settlement permit, a permanent residence permit, permanent EU residency, or the right to move and reside freely in Germany under Directive 2007/38/EC.
Source: BMBF 2016, www.bafö

The legal regulations are very elaborate, so please contact the responsible advisory office at an early stage.

Leave of absence

If you have to interrupt your studies for family reasons (to raise a child , for example), you have the possibility to take leave of absence for a maximum of two semesters.
Information is provided by Student Services.
The application for leave of absence can be found here

Financial support for foreign families

Foreign families may be entitled - and have recourse - to financial support. Since this matter is very complex and dependent on individual cases, we can only give basic information at this point. Please refer individual cases to the competent authority for counselling on potential entitlements.

Parental benefit
Nationals of Member States of the European Union an dSwitzerland, as well as Germans, are generally entitled to parental benefit if they work or live in Germany.
Other foreign parents are generally entitled to parental benefit if they hold a settlement permit or a residence and work permit.
Foreign nationals residing in Germany for the purpose of training or continuing education, for example, receive no parental benefit. This also applies to asylum seekers who hold a permission to remain (Aufenthaltsgestattung) or an permission to remain on federal soil until deported (Duldung).
Any entitlement will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Child benefit

Nationals of Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, as well as Germans, are generally entitled to child benefit if they work or live in Germany.
Other foreign parents are generally entitled to child benefit if they hold a settlement permit or a residence and work permit.
Foreign nationals residing in Germany for the purpose of training or continuing education, for example, receive no child benefit. This also applies to asylum seekers who hold a permission to ramian (Aufenthaltsgestattung) or a permission to remain on federal soil until deported (Duldung).
Any entitlement will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Source: Informationsportal des Bmfsfj 2016,

Exceptional hardship

Leuphana University of Lüneburg can award up to 2 percent of the study places on a course to persons deemed suffering form exceptional hardship. Within the framework of this quota, being recognised as an exceptional hardship case will result in admission ahead of all other applicants without regard to selection criteria (grade and waiting period). Health, social or family reasons can justify such an exceptional hardship.

Child care

An Overview of day-care facilities provides by Leuphana and the Students' Union (Studentenwerk) you will find here

Information about external day care facilities you will find  here

Maternity leave

The provisions of the Maternity Protection Act, as well as those governing parental leave, also find application in the Examinations Regulations. These arrangements may be implemented upon request.

As from 2018, the amended Maternity Protection Act will enter into force. The Act will be extendes to cover students. Family Services provides update information on this matter.

Part-time studies

Those who cannot study full-time, because they want to combine university studies with familiy may apply to study part-time. The Student Counselling Service of the College and the Graduate School can inform and advise you about this possibility and they also offer advice and help during your studies. To be permitted to study part-time, it is necessary to apply to the office of Student Services.

Pre-selection of courses

Students with proven and recognized time restrictions and part-time students have the right to sign up early for courses with a limited number of places. They have the chance to be allowed into a particular course befor the general lottery (Losverfahren) takes places, and after that they do not take part in the lottery allocation. This process ensures that this group of students have the opportunity to plan their semesters ahead of time.