Gender diversity at Leuphana

The rainbow flag was raised at Leuphana on Diversity Day 2021. ©Leuphana/Marvin Sokolis
The rainbow flag was raised at Leuphana on this years Diversity Day.

Leuphana University of Lüneburg is committed to the overall societal goal of creating good learning, working and research conditions in terms of a gender- and diversity-responsive and appreciative university culture. The goal of emphasising equality and inclusion, also with regard to gender diversity, is important to the university. At Leuphana, all persons should be able to affirm their identity without having to fear negative reactions or discrimination.

Statement and positioning "Liberality, Equal Treatment, Respect for Gender Diversity at the University" by the Presidential Board of Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Joint statement by the AStA, Equal Opportunities Office, Presidential Board and QuARG on "Happy Pride Month 2021".


In 2017, the first all-gender toilets were established at Leuphana. Leuphana University of Lüneburg would like to continue offering different target groups a variety of toilet options for different needs in the future. In order to meet these existing needs, the existing gender-separated toilets will be supplemented by two further usage concepts in autumn 2021. In a pilot phase, "all-gender WC" and "WC for all" will be tested and will then be implemented in all buildings on campus. The goal is to provide one "all-gender-toilet" or one "WC for all" per building in the medium term.

Gender-Inclusive Language

The Equal Opportunities Office recommends the use of gender-inclusive language in the so-called asterisk form or the use of neutral formulations and forms of address.

The working aid for gender-inclusive writing and speaking at the university as well as the website "gender-inclusive language" offer helpful tips for everyday implementation. The university is already implementing this consistently in various areas.

LGBTQI* topics in the context of Diversity Day.

Every year, Leuphana University Lüneburg takes part in the nationwide Diversity Day and thus sets an example for a welcoming, diverse and respectful community and against discrimination and intolerance. Gender diversity is a cross-cutting issue and is and has been repeatedly addressed as part of the Diversity Days. The motto of Diversity Day 2021 was "Leuphana is colourful: making gender diversity visible!" The programme included talks on trans*living realities and trans*hostility, on intersexuality and personal status law, and ended with an LGBTQI* talk for employees that presented networking opportunities. A glossary on gender diversity was also produced on the occasion of this year's Diversity Day.

First name change is possible at Leuphana

Since June 2022, an early first name change is possible at Leuphana. This means that the supplementary identity card of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (dgti e.V.) will be recognised. The aim is to improve the study and work situation of trans*, inter* and non-binary students and employees at Leuphana through the change of first name.

If the collection and administration of personal data according to the dgti supplementary card is desired before the official registration, then an "Application for Change of First Name" should be submitted to the Student Services for this purpose. You can contact Heiko Kaddik directly. With the change of first name in the student administration system, in future only the newly chosen first name, which results from the supplementary identity card or the official proof of change, will be used on all university documents. The issuing of the degree certificate is exempt from this. Enrolment and the issuing of the degree certificate will therefore continue to take place with and on the officially registered first name.

For employees, recognition of the dgti supplementary certificate during their employment at Leuphana is also possible. Recruitment and the issuing of an employer's reference will continue to take place with and on the officially registered first name. After employment, a change of first name can be made upon request even before the official registration in the IT systems for employees at Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

If you need advice, you can contact the Equal Opportunities Office (Valentina Seidel or Dr. Kathrin van Riesen).

teaching and research

Gender and Diversity Research Network

The university-wide Gender and Diversity Research Network was established at Leuphana in 2016. It is an inter- and transdisciplinary academic and political network of scholars pursuing the following goals:

  • Make gender and diversity related research and teaching visible at Leuphana
  • Support dialogue and cooperation among academic disciplines at Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Step up research and teaching on gender and diversity
  • Improve the gender and diversity sensitive training of students and early career researchers through the pooling of expertise in these areas
  • Network, coordinate and implement inter- and trans-disciplinary research within and beyond Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Support and develop networking within and beyond the university
  • Host guest lectures; conceptualise and implement events, conferences, and colloquia for junior academics
  • Introduce issues of gender and diversity to different publics

Gender Diversity Certificate

The Gender Diversity Certificate is a voluntary, study-integrated offer in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programme.

The certificate shows the acquisition of gender diversity competences, which enable the reflection and critical analysis of gender relations and norms, access opportunities, social inequality and social diversity.

Information and counselling

The website "Support in case of discrimination" provides information about contact persons in the university and regional context, including the Equal Opportunities Office and the anti-discrimination counselling of diversu e.V..

The information portal "Against sexual harassment" offers support for those affected by sexualised discrimination and violence and valuable tips for all those who want to inform themselves about the topic and contribute to an appreciative university culture.

The Checkpoint Queer offers exchange opportunities for individuals and groups from the Lüneburg region on the focus topics LSBTIQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexual, Queer) and sexual health.

student initiatives

Student initiatives also reflect a great interest in gender diversity and anti-discrimination issues.

The AStA department QuARG (Queer, Awareness, Equal Rights and Gender Matters) deals with topics such as gender, sexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality and asexuality, as well as intersexuality/intersexuality and trans* identity, as well as feminism, sexism and queerness and raises awareness of these in the context of political education work. In the summer semester, the initiative organises the annual Queer Lecture Series, which gives space to an academic-activist perspective on these topics.

Since 2014, there have been the student-planned and implemented project weeks "gesellschaft*macht*geschlecht". The action days are part of the nationwide campaign of the FZS (Freier Zusammenschluss von Student*innenschaften) and provide a framework for a feminist examination of higher education and society.