Information for doctoral students

These pages provide information mainly aimed at doctoral students holding scholarships.

Child supplementary allowance

Leave from the scholarship

As a rule, the scholarship period may be interrupted to care for a child, provided your supervisor or the relevant selection committee agrees. During the interruption, the funding will pause and you will have to cover your living expenses with child and parental benefit. If you apply for unemployment benefitt II or housing allowance, your partner's income will be taken into account in calculating your entitlements.

Parental Leave and Benefit

Students who received a doctoral scholarship before the birth will only receive the basic allowance of 300€. Parental benefit is not affected by the scholarship funding, because it is not an income from gainful employment.

Scholarship holders cannot apply for parental leave if they are not in dependent employment. As a rule, the scholarshop period may be interrupted. During this pause, however, no money will be paid.

Statutory maternity protection leave and allowance

Paid employment at the beginning of the statutory maternity protection period is required for maternity protection leave and allowance. The relevant health insurance determines the allowance amount. Therefore, doctoral students, who receive a scholarship and are not in paid employment, are not entitled to statutory maternity protection leave and allowance.

Contact the Family Services

Hannah Brandenburg

Fon +49.4131.677-1832

Universitätsallee 1, C7.303

office hours:

Mon. - Fri.: 9-12 a.m.

Wed.: 14-16 p.m. (by phone or mail)

and by appointment