What Can I Do If I Am Personally Affected?

We would like to encourage you not to accept sexual harassment and other forms of sexualized discrimination and violence, but to take action against it with our support.


Support by the University

The university can support you if you

  • interested in pointers for self-organizing, networking, and continuing to cope with issues,
  • need immediate protection against discrimination or violence,
  • want advice,
  • need accompaniment and support
  • want to submit an anonymous report without feedback,
  • are interested in tips for self-organization, networking & further coping,
  • want help finding psychological support,
  • want formal disciplinary steps to be taken,
  • want to find out whether and how criminal proceedings can be initiated.

Central contact persons who advise, accompany and, if necessary, refer you to other university members are:

The central equal opportunities officer advises independently, confidentially, and partisan in a safe space. They accompany and show support, regardless of whether formal steps were or should be taken; anonymity (no mention of your name or other information) will be granted, if desired.

The ombudsperson for members of the university acts according to the priciples of impartiality, confidentiality, multipartiality, and appreciation. You can submit messages anonymously via the ombudsbox (both analog and digital).

In and around the university there are also a number of other contact persons who will support you in the case of sexualized discrimination and violence. You can find detailed information on who can support you here - both inside and outside the university.

What Was Helpful for Other Affected People?

Here we provide reports from two people who have been affected by stalking at a university in the past. A woman and a man each talk about helpful and hindering factors in uncovering and coping with stalking. The recordings were edited to ensure anonymity of people and places.

You can find the transcripts (in English) here.

Tips for Taking Action Yourself

In addition to the involvement of the university contacts, we would like to point out other potentially helpful options. These are intended as suggestions that can be implemented depending on the individual assessment of the situation.


Course of Action: In a situation of crossing of physical boundaries, name them loudly and clearly ("You put your hand in my hair. This is unpleasant." "It was uncomfortable that you touched me!" "Stop touching me!")
Potential Outcome: The people around become aware of what is happening. The person stops their actions.


Course of Action: Direct physical resistance.
Potential Outcome: The person stops their actions.


Course of Action: Tell the person you will tell others about the harassment. Threaten a complaint.
Potential Outcome: The cycle of secrecy necessary for persistent harassing / violent acts is broken.


Course of Action: Talk to people you trust about your experiences.
Potential Outcome: This can be relieving. It could also bring to light that other people share the experience.


Course of Action: Document early and in detail (e.g. notes about when & where it happened, who was involved & what effects it had on you).
Potential Outcome: You gain an overview of the extent of the actions. By documenting your discomfort, you trust your perception more strongly. You collect evidence.


Course of Action: Keeping evidence such as emails, letters, SMS, etc.
Potential Outcome: This is helpful in the event of a complaint or criminal proceedings.


Course of Action: Find out how to file a criminal complaint (see below) and what to expect during criminal proceedings.
Potential Outcome: You gain confidence in handling the situation and can assess whether you are ready for it and what you need for it.


Course of Action: Think about which stabilizing factors and supporting institutions & people you can fall back on.
Potential Outcome: You strengthen yourself through self-care. You have continuous support through the coping process.


Course of Action: Continue to participate in social life, play sports, practice relaxation techniques.
Potential Outcome: You continue to see yourself as integrated into a community.

Becoming Sure and Safe

If you are unsure how to assess what happened to you, find out here about red flags for sexualized discrimination and violence, read here in our senate guidelines (2013) what acts are considered sexualized discrimination and violence, or look at real life examples.

If you would like to find out which legal options are available, please refer to this Brochure on Cyberstalking by the Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt which offers detailed, easy-to-understand information about criminal charges & proceedings.


  • how does a complaint (Anzeige) work,
  • how does a court case work,
  • what are the expected results of criminal proceedings,
  • what (financial) support is there?

On the Website of Netzwerk Pro.Beweis you can find out about preservation of evidence in the event of (sexualized) violence regardless of a report to the police. The Pro.Beweis investigation centers document and secure traces of violence immediately after the crime and those affected can later decide whether they want to report it.

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Examples for inappropriate actions, how to recognize and name sexualized discrimination and violence, information on consequences for the affected as well as regulations and guidelines are available at „What Is Sexualized Discrimination and Violence“.

The university’s stance on sexualized discrimination and violence, information on a preventative academic culture, and consequences in cases of inappropriate actions can be found here: "How Do We Cooperate at This University".

You can find information on common defensive reactions and their consequences, helpful actions, how to keep a supportive attitude in a conversation, as well as information on self-care as a supporter on the following page: "How Can I Support Affected Persons?".

A list of recommendations for raising awareness as well as materials and resources are available at "How Can I Raise Awareness in My Surroundings?".


Contact Us

Dr. Kathrin van Riesen
Universitätsallee 1, C7.323
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1060