Study & Impairment
Leuphana University aims to offer an appropriate and welcoming learning environment to all its students.The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its guiding principle of inclusion, which opposes discrimination and promotes equal opportunities for participation in society, are guiding principles for action.
The pages "Study and Impairment" are aimed at (prospective) Leuphana students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. These pages are intended to help you find your way around the university and to inform you about your rights.
In order to ensure that you have equal opportunities in your everyday study life, there are various options and contact persons available. Please refer to the subpages of this portal (hardship application and waiting semesters, reasonable adjustments, financing, legal foundations and contact persons) for more information.
information for teachers
Students with health impairments often do not know that they can apply for disadvantage compensation. Furthermore, contact persons are often unknown. Lecturers at Leuphana University of Lüneburg can use the following PowerPoint slides (Info slides Nachteilsausgleiche / Reasonable adjustments in studies and examinations) to inform students about disadvantage compensation in their courses at the beginning of the semester. In addition, it may be advisable to encourage students to express impairment-related needs so that needs-based solutions can be implemented.
In this context, we refer to the website of the Information and Counselling Centre for Studies and Disability (IBS) of the German Student Union for teachers, which contains a wide range of information on barrier-free teaching.