contact points and counselling

Topics and issues in the context of diversity-oriented equality and anti-discrimination work are very diverse. This page offers you an overview of topic-specific counselling services and aspects such as (anti-)discrimination, disability or chronic illness, psychological stress, compatibility issues and LGBTQI*. The site is aimed at Leuphana university members with counselling or support needs in a university or personal context.

In addition to the existing structures and contact persons at the university, you will find a selection of regional and supra-regional offers, which are differentiated according to subject areas.

Services outside the university*

  • Lüneburg & region (selection)
  • nationwide (selection)
  • Are you still missing important advisory services?
  • *Disclaimer

University internal offers

  • "Allgemeiner Student*innenausschuss" (AStA)
  • Appointee for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses
  • Employees
  • Complaints office for employees under section 13 AGG
  • Family Services
  • Office for Equal Opportunities
  • information portal "Against Sexual Harassment
  • International Office
  • Ombudsperson for teachers and students
  • Student Initiatives
  • Student Counselling Service

University-associated offers

  • Psychological Counselling Centre (PBS) Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen
  • Social counselling service Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen

University internal offers

"Allgemeiner Student*innenausschuss" (AStA)

AStA Units:

    ARCHIPEL stands for "Autonomes Referat für Chronische Erkrankungen, Handicaps und Inklusion, Psychische Erkrankungen, Empowerment und Lernbeeinträchtigungen" (Autonomous Unit for Chronic Illnesses, Handicaps and Inclusion, Mental Illnesses, Empowerment and Learning Disabilities). The unit is committed to an inclusive everyday study life and the dismantling of structural barriers and offers a platform for exchange and diverse opportunities to participate. Contact at
  • AntiRa
    The AStA's anti-racism department aims to address racist and discriminatory structures and work together with the student body to combat them.   
  • QuARG
      QuARG stands for Queer, Awareness, Equal Rights and Gender Matters. The unit deals with everything that revolves around the topics of gender and sexuality. This includes homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality and asexuality, as well as intersex/intersexuality and trans*identity, and feminism, sexism and queerness.

Counselling Services:

  • BAföG & Finance Consultation
    The AStA offers regular BAföG and financial counselling. All students of Leuphana University of Lüneburg can take advantage of this free student counselling service.
  • Legal advice
    With an open legal advice service in cooperation with lawyers from Lüneburg, the AStA offers all students at Leuphana University Lüneburg the opportunity to obtain legal advice without obligation and without red tape.
  • Student counselling "Studium Barriere"
    The free student counselling service "Studium-Barriere" (Study Barrier) of the AStA is aimed at students with chronic illnesses and/or physical/psychological impairments at Leuphana University Lüneburg and offers a sympathetic ear, a conversation at eye level and information about possible courses of action.
  • EliStu (Parents in Studies)
    EliStu is an advice centre, a support service and a lobby for student parents at Leuphana University.

Appointee for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses

The Appointee for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses advises and supports in matters concerning students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

  • Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Guder


An overview of information and counselling services, including for employees at Leuphana University, can be found here.

Complaints office for employees under section 13 AGG

  • Stephanie Verbeet

Family Services

The Family Services offer advice and coordinates family-friendly measures. Topics include promoting the compatibility of family and studies or work, childcare and care for relatives, as well as family-friendly study and working conditions.

Office for Equal Opportunities

The Office for Equal Opportunities not only works on structurally anchoring equality and diversity policies at the university, but also offers support and advice to all university members with questions or in cases of unequal treatment.

The central Equal Opportunities Officer and her team provide counselling on experienced and observed discrimination as well as sexualised violence independently and confidentially in a protected environment. They provide support regardless of whether formal steps have been or will be taken; anonymously if desired. The Equal Opportunities team clarifies the matter confidentially as part of an initial counselling. In addition, a referral counselling session can also take place so that suitable counselling and support can be found. Those seeking advice can then decide for themselves whether they would like to go there.

The decentralised equal opportunities officers in the faculties and central institutions can also be contacted.


information portal "Against Sexual Harassment

The information portal "Against Sexual Harassment", which is managed by the Equal Opportunities Office, offers information material on prevention as well as an overview of contact and support options in cases of sexualised discrimination and violence at Leuphana and beyond.

International Office

The International Office provides information and advice to international students and academics who are coming to Leuphana for a study visit. In the same way, students and academics at Leuphana University receive information and advice on studying, teaching and research abroad.

Ombudsperson for teachers and students

The ombudsperson for teachers and students acts as a mediating authority between different interest groups at the university in conflict situations and is the contact person for ideas, suggestions, problems and complaints from students and teachers. The ombudsperson offers the possibility to deal with the various concerns anonymously, confidentially and impartially.

Thies Reinck

Student Initiatives

Student initiatives make it possible to network on specific topics and issues. An overview of the student initiatives at Leuphana can be found here.

Student Counselling Service

At Leuphana University of Lüneburg, the College's Student Counselling Service advisory service provides advice for all Bachelor's degree programmes as well as the Master's degree programmes in the area of teaching. Student counselling for the consecutive Master's programmes as well as counselling and coaching for doctoral studies is offered at the Graduate School. The services are free of charge and confidential.

University-associated offers

Psychological Counselling Centre (PBS) Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen

The psychological counselling centre of the Studentenwerk offers counselling for work and concentration problems, exam nerves or other anxieties, conflicts with parents/partners or in the flat-sharing community, often depressed moods, self-esteem problems, unsatisfactory relationships with other people, the constant feeling of being overwhelmed and insecure, decision-making difficulties in studies or in the personal sphere, an acute psychological crisis or other difficulties. Open, neutral and appreciative. In individual, group or couple counselling sessions, the concerns and backgrounds of the existing problems are clarified and solutions are developed together step by step. The counselling sessions are conducted by a professionally qualified counsellor with additional therapeutic training. Counselling is free of charge and confidential. Appointments can be made by e-mail or via phone.You can find more information here.

An overview prepared by the psychological counselling centre also refers to other online and telephone services as well as addresses of contact points in Lüneburg and Hamburg.

Social counselling service Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen

If you have questions or difficulties of a financial, social or personal nature, the social counselling service is there to help. Sometimes a brief information is enough, sometimes the solution to the problem requires a more intensive discussion. With her knowledge on a wide range of topics, the social counsellor helps to find solutions. Office hours are Tuesdays 10-14 hrs, Thursdays 9.30-12.30 hrs and by appointment.

Services outside the university*

Lüneburg & region (selection)

Anti-discrimination and dealing with (right-wing) violence :

Queer Topic and sexual education

Behinderung und chronische Erkrankungen


Are you still missing important advisory services?

Are there any important advisory services missing? Feel free to share them with us at


This list makes no claim to completeness and has only limited recommendatory character. It merely provides an initial overview of possible further offers and contact points.