Child care

Leuphana University of Lüneburg considers supplying child care opportunities for the children of its students and employees, as well as providing contact information and establishing networking links to external day care facilities, to be one of its paramount tasks.

The following gives an overview of day-care facilities provides by Leuphana and the Students Support Organisation (Studentenwerk). You will find information about external day-care facilities at "Gut zu Wissen"

Child care for students

  • EliStu – Eltern im Studium
  • Daycare centres provided by the Students' Union

Child care for students

EliStu – Eltern im Studium

EliStu is the student initiative within AStA which offers child care, counselling and networking.

Age group: 6 Months up to primary school
Care times: Monday - Friday: 8.00 a.m. -  6 p.m.
Care location: Scharnhorststraße 1, Geb. 3.106
Cost: Initial registration fee 39 € per child + 2,50€/2 hours.

Daycare centres provided by the Students' Union

The Students' Union runs two daycare centres in Lüneburg, each with a nursery and kindergarten group. The centres offer priority places for the children of students.

Age group: 1 – 6 years
Care times: Mondays - Fridays: 7.30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Centre locations: Kita "Campus": Wichernstraße 21 and Kita "Die Strolche": Salzbrücker Straße 71

Child care staff and students

  • Nursery care at "Villa Milchzahn"
  • Nursery care at "Lille Hus"
  • Holiday care
  • care exchange

Child care staff and students

Nursery care at "Villa Milchzahn"

The nursery facility (Großtagespflege) "Villa Milchzahn" has reserved 8 places especially for the children of Leuphana staff and students.

Age group: 0 – 3 years
Nursery times: Mondays - Thursdays: 8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.; Fridays: 8.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Location: Villa Milchzahn, Volgershall 1
Contact: 01577/1054020
Register at: Please use the application sheet

You will find more detailed information  here

Nursery care at "Lille Hus"

The nursery care (Großtagespflege) "Lille Hus" has reserved 5 places especially for the children of Leuphana staff and students.

Age group: 0 – 3 years
Nursery times: mo - fr: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm
Location: Lille Hus, Scharnhorststraße 3
Contact: Maria Ratmann, mobil 015777 3368343
Register at:; Please use the application sheet

Holiday care

Working together with two students who are qualified childminders, the Family Services organises child care during the school summer holidays every year for the children of staff members. Information about this offer and how to register is sent to all staff in a circular email in March.

Age group: 5 – 10 years
Care location: Kita Campus 

care exchange

The Family Service has set up a care exchange where parents and caregivers (babysitters) can search for and find each other quickly and easily. You can find more information here.

Contact the Family Services

Hannah Brandenburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1832

Universitätsallee 1, C7.303

office hours:

Mo. - Fr.: 9-12 h

Wed.: 14-16 p.m. (by phone or mail)

and by appointment