Gender Diversity Certificate for Master Students

An Offer for students at the Graduate School

Due to globalization, migration processes, changing values, changing roles and lifestyles, social, cultural and economic relationships are becoming more diverse and complex. Topics related to equal opportunities, social inequality, gender mainstreaming and diversity management are thus becoming more relevant for both professional and social contexts. That is why Leuphana University of Lüneburg now offers the Gender Diversity Certificate in the Master's program!

The Gender Diversity Certificate is a voluntary offer for all Master students at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The Gender Diversity Certificate provides evidence of competencies that enable students to reflect on and critically analyze gender relations, access opportunities, social inequality and societal heterogeneity. In order to obtain the certificate, students must provide evidence of achievements amounting to a total of 15 CP, which are completed integratively in the modules of the Gender Diversity Certificate as part of the Master's program. Within this framework, students can deal with selected gender diversity issues from different research and application areas.

About the concept

The Master's Complementary Studies at Leuphana University of Lüneburg is inter- and transdisciplinary as well as dialogue-oriented and aims to promote critical thinking on the part of the students and to adopt an overarching, reflective perspective. The Gender Diversity Certificate in the Master's Complementary Studies is embedded in this framework.
An uncovering and understanding of discrimination, inequality-promoting structures and practices, or societal gender relations is usually not based on a single academic discipline, but on different academic perspectives. The Gender Diversity Certificate gives students from different disciplines and majors - education, humanities, social sciences, sustainability and cultural studies, as well as natural sciences, economics and technology - the opportunity to learn about and discuss insights from gender and diversity studies using interdisciplinary approaches. This opens up specific approaches that can complement each other, but may not always be easy to bring together. The goal of the certificate program is to support students in reflecting on findings critically and in a dialogue-oriented manner and to develop personal and social-communicative skills through respectful and appreciative discussions in interdisciplinary contexts.

Your Advantages

This certificate allows you to

  • consider equal opportunities and gender justice as contemporary topics in social and professional contexts.
  • gain a basic introduction into the theories and methods of gender, diversity, and intersectionality research. This could be especially relevant for those who are interested in an academic career.
  • discuss current relevant topics and challenges in an inter and transdisciplinary way.
  • question the norms and stereotypical attributions.
  • to reflect on and assess the current societal discourse and the strategies on institutionalization regarding diversity and equality.
  • strengthen and expand your key qualifications in the areas equal opportunities, equality, and diversity management.
  • obtain a certificate for the gained knowledge on gender and diversity.

Overview of the certificate's structure

semester      ModulECOURSESCP

1st Semester


Interdisziplinary Basics


Course on gender- and diversity-theories in the module „Engaging with Knowledge and Sciences”


E-learning-unit on theories

2 weekly semester hours / 5 CP

2nd Sem. (SoSe)

Research Methods

Workshop on methods of gender- and diversity-research in the module „Reflecting Research Methods“

E-learning-unit on methods 
2 weekly semester hours / 5 CP

2nd Sem. (SoSe)





3rd Sem. (WiSe)


Epistemological perspectives and transformation

A certificate-relevant course based on the majors of the master's program (depending on capacity)




A certificate-relevant course in the module „Connecting Science, Responsibility and Society“

2 weekly semester hours / 5 CP





2 weekly semester hours / 5 CP

Information on Registration

Use this online form for registration.
With registration, you have the opportunity to make use of the preferential registration (for one certificate course per semester).
If you are no longer interested in acquiring the certificate, please unsubscribe by e-mail to

Documenting the Exams and the Issuing of the Certificate

Once you have completed all courses, please send an overview of those course, incl. the exam number, that you have passed as part of the certificate to this email address

A confirmation will be filled out and sent to the student service for approval by the authorized advisor.

Information for teachers:

The teachers of the Gender Diversity Certificate come from different disciplines with different emphases in gender and diversity research. They are encouraged to open up their teaching content to a broad target group. From their specialist disciplines, they refer, for example, to findings from discrimination research, racism research, anti-Semitism research, reflexive, positivist-functionalist or critical-emancipative diversity research, as well as women's and gender studies, research on social inequalities, or the concept of intersectionality, etc. For example, by addressing the following questions in teaching: What do gender- and diversity-oriented perspectives mean in concrete terms for the scientific consideration of various fields of social action? How do approaches to the subject area change when intersectional perspectives are included? Are there blind spots (discrimination, inequalities/ injustices, etc.) that become visible with new perspectives? What consequences can be derived from this? What does this mean for opportunities to shape and initiate social change? And what competencies and innovative approaches are required in science and research processes in order to be able to change perspectives at all?

Students should get to know important questions about justice and inequality from different perspectives, also with the help of the lecturers, and integrate these into their own study focus and research topics. The different disciplinary approaches, questions and methods of analysis represent in themselves a change of perspective that can be challenging, but which is above all stimulating and enriching. It is important to us that the topics and contents of the courses (literature, terminology, privileges, etc.) can always be constructively and critically questioned and discussed.

As teachers you can make your seminar with connections to gender and diversity research available for the participants of the certificate, by tagging your course just so in myStudy. Should you be interested or have any questions, please contact:

Claudia Echelmeyer ( or

Dr. Anja Thiem (

Should you face challenges

Should any questions surface about or during the courses, please don't hesitate to approach the following contact points:

Consultant for Equal Opportunities

  • Dr. Anja Thiem

Further Contact Points

In addition to the equal opportunities officer and the ombudsperson for students and teachers, there are further contact persons. Generally, every person with managerial or supervision tasks, as well as representatives of the AStA are approachable.

You can find information and services here. The list below can also be downloaded here.

Equal Opportunities Officer

Dr. Kathrin van Riesen
Universitätsallee 1, C7.323
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1060

They can be found here.

Ombudsperson for Students and Teachers

Thies Reinck, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C10.319
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1087

Managing Director of the Graduate School

Dr. Anja Soltau
Universitätsallee 1, C14.130a
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2400

Deputy Managing Director of the Graduate School

Claudia Echelmeyer, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C14.125
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2401

AStA Website

Online counseling of the psychotherapeutic counseling centre
Michaela Himstedt, Dipl.-Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeuting
Tel.: 0531/391-4935

In case of a conflict, we ask you to please contact one of the people/places mentioned above as soon as possible, to commence a conversation, since an early intervention is the best precondition to react to disagreements productively.


Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Equal Opportunities Office
Universitätsallee 1
Building 7, 3rd floor, room 302
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-1063