Students Initiatives on Campus

In Lüneburg, a large number of students are actively involved in a variety of different initiatives, groups and organisations. They devote themselves to tasks ranging from shaping sports and leisure time to topical issues in their study environment to their own university newspaper. Those who partake in these initiatives gain experiences beyond the contents of their courses. At the same time, they get to make contacts, meet like-minded people and make contributions that are useful to other students. Use the links on this page to access the initiatives’ individual websites.

For the recognition and registration of new student initiatives and for changes in existing student initiatives: further information, the guidelines for the recognition and registration of student initiatives and relevant forms and templates are available on the intranet site of the university's legal department.














  • Anders Kreativ Sozial (DSi)
  • CooProgrammierung
  • funkenfliegen
  • GreenGlimpse (DSi)
  • Junges Afrokollektiv - JUA Kollektiv (DSi)
  • NaPsy - studentische Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit und Psychologie (DSi)
  • PlanC (DSi)
  • Rotaract Club Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Speakers' Corner Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Aufstand der Studierenden - Letzte Generation Lüneburg
  • Take Initiative! (DSi)


  • OASE (DSi)
  • Undoing Unease - U²



  • Bildrauschen (DSi)
  • Buchclub Sandwich (DSi)
  • Das KunstWerk
  • Dunkelkammer
  • FILM! (DSi)
  • Hexenstich xx (DSi)
  • Kulturativ e.V.
  • KulturRausch e.V. (DSi)
  • Lunatic e.V. - Musikfestival(DSi)
  • Mamagei (DSi)
  • Originalton Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Plan B - studentisches Café(DSi)
  • Tanz - Initiative für Bewegungsforschung, Tanzräume und künstlerische Praxis (DSi)
  • Univativ - Hochschulmagazin (DSi)
  • VisionInklusion (DSi)


  • Common Campus (DSi)
  • Cradle to Cradle Hochschulgruppe Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Die Zwiebel - Tauschraum (DSi)
  • Einkaufsgemeinschaft KoKo (DSi)
  • essbarer Campus (DSi)
  • Exkursionsinitiative Natur und Umwelt (DSi)
  • Fossil Free Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Fridays For Future Lüneburg (DSi)
  • JANUNLüneburg (DSi)
  • Klimaentscheid Lüneburg Hochschulgruppe
  • KlimaKollektiv Lüneburg
  • Mobilitaetswende (DSi)
  • Permakulturgarten Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Stadt(T)Räume
  • Tierrechtsinitiative Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Tiny House Initiative Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Viva con Agua Lüneburg (DSi)
  • Wir.Lernen.Natur (DSi)


  • AK Unbehagen in der Struktur
  • Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Initiative - ASPI (DSi)
  • Gewerkschaftliche Hochschulgruppe - DGB (DSi)
  • Junge Europäische Föderalisten Lüneburg JEF
  • JuSo-Hochschulgruppe Lüneburg
  • Liberale Hochschulgruppe Lüneburg LHG
  • Policy Lab - die Politische Ideenfabrik (DSi)
  • Volt Campus
  • Youth Lead the Change Germany (DSi)



  • Schachclub Check-Mates (DSi)
  • Studentenreitgruppe (DSi)
  • Uni-Golfteam (DSi)



Do you want to enter your Student Initiative here?

The activities and the number of groups are subject to constant change, which is why the list of student initiatives is never complete. If you would like to have your own organisation included in the list, please use the contact link to the Office of the University Council on the right hand side, who will decide on the admission. If you have already officially registered as a student initiative by contacting the Office of the University Council, you can then also contact the Leuphana’s Ombudsperson for students and lecturers and express your wish to be included in this overview.


DSi - the Student Initiatives Organisation

The DSi oversees all the student initiatives in its function as an umbrella organisation. The DSi promotes the initiatives’ work by organising joint events, informing the public about activities and providing venues. This makes the DSi unique in the German academic landscape and plays an important part in the university’s life and student activities. Please click here for detailed information about the DSi and about starting new Student Initiatives.


Booking rooms on campus for student purposes

According to the "Richtlinie zur Anerkennung und Registrierung studentischer Initiativen", registered student initiatives have the right to use rooms of the university for individual events of the student initiative free of charge upon request. A corresponding form for registering an initiative event can be found in the Intranet. Room requests can be made by the officially designated board members of the student initiative using the university e-mail address ( 

DSi - Umbrella organisation of student initiatives (5:35 Min.)

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Contact Ombudsperson for students and lecturers

Thies Reinck, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C10.319
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1087

Contact Justiziariat

Anja Krohn
Universitätsallee 1, C10.124
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1048