How to apply for an Exchange Place at a Partner University

Academic Year 2025/26

The current call for applications for participation in a student exchange program at partner universities during the academic year 2025/26 can be downloaded below from the end of October 2024. The call provides information about the available programs for the respective study programs/subjects and faculties. Changes during the application period will be marked in red.

For each program, you will find an academic coordinator who will share advice on the study opportunities at the partner university after request. Please visit our data base of exchange programs for fact sheets and experience reports of former outgoings. All information for the application procedure can be found on this website.

Please check the course offerings and semester dates of the host university before you select a program.

We look forward to receiving your application for up to two exchange programs by 12th of December 2024!

Application requirements

In principle, all Bachelor and Master students are eligible to apply for an exchange program. Bachelor students should have completed the first year of study. Master students, who at the time of application usually cannot provide proof of academic achievements from their current studies, can apply with their bachelor’s degree certificate or transcript. They usually apply in their first semester for a stay abroad during their third semester but will receive conditional acceptances until they have provided evidence of the results achieved in their first semester.

Participation in an exchange program is not possible in the student‘s home country/country of citizenship.

Only in exceptional cases and only upon consultation with the International Center and the program coordinator you may apply for a program that is not indicated for your major, as the subjects are often precisely defined in the cooperation agreements. This also applies if you are studying the subject indicated in the call for applications as a minor.

Students with Major Studium Individuale can apply for all programs that are offered for their individual field of study. In general, applications for teacher training programs with English as a teaching subject (Lehramt/Unterrichtsfach Englisch) are not accepted.

If not specified otherwise, your academic performance should have an average grade of at least 3.0. Knowledge of the respective language of instruction should be proven at the time of application (see Proof of Language Skills below).

Non-European International Degree Seeking Students

Non-European international degree seeking students with a valid residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) for Germany can study in another EU country for up to 360 days if the residence permit for Germany is valid for the entire duration of the stay abroad. Moreover, they must have a valid passport, proof of health insurance for the host country of the stay abroad and proof that their living expenses in the host country are financially secure. More information can be found here:

International degree-seeking students from non-EU countries with a student visa and a valid residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) issued by the authorities of Lüneburg can leave the country for a maximum of 6 months, provided they obtain the prior consent of the Ausländerbehörde. After that, the residence title expires and in case of a later entry, they have to apply for a visa again at a German Embassy abroad. The conditions for the granting of the residence permit remain unchanged, i.e. a valid proof of financing must also be submitted for the period of stay abroad.

International students who are planning to study abroad outside of Europe should also check the visa procedures of the host country before applying.

Application procedure

Applications must be submitted online via the portal for stays abroad.

The application form can be accessed from the end of October.

You can apply for two exchange places (first and second choice).

Application deadline: December 12th, 2024 (23:29)

Please fill in the online application carefully and completely and submit it including the following documents in German or English:

  • Letter of motivation relating to your first choice (up to 2 pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Current proof of enrollment (myCampus)
  • University degree certificates (if applicable)
  • Transcript of Records (myCampus) record - not applicable for first year Master students)
  • Proof of registration for examinations (myCampus, only in case of missing grades from the previous semesters)
  • Certificate of language proficiency in the language of instruction for first and second choice (see Language Center)
  • Information on data protection and Declaration of consent (for first and second request; each in the original):
    • All applicants: Declaration ALL
    • additionally for applicants for Non-EU (not Argentina, Japan, USA): Declaration Non-EU
    • additionally for applicants for USA: Declaration USA

Please check the final version of the call for applications before submitting your application and ensure that you have uploaded all required documents. Incomplete applications will not be processed!

Selection process

All exchange places will be awarded based on the following selection criteria:

  • completed first year of study (applies to Bachelor students)
  • academic performance and study status
  • language skills
  • motivation
  • volunteer work
  • suitability as an Leuphana ambassador

The selection process will take place after reviewing all applications submitted.

In case of more exchange places than applications and upon approval of the academic coordinator, the selection will be made by the International Center based on the review of the submitted application documents (one-step procedure).

In case of fewer exchange places than applications or if requested by the academic coordinator, the selection will be made by the coordinator, possibly also on the basis of an interview (two-step procedure).

The exchange places will be allocated based on the qualifications of the applicants. There is no legal claim on an exchange place at a partner institution.

Proof of language skills

For information on how to prove your language skills please visit the website of the Language Center.

You can take placement tests in the self-assess center (C5.104) during the opening hours. Fixed appointments for assessments will be announced here in October 2024.

Info sessions

The International Center offers the following information sessions during the current academic year. The presentations will be available for download here after the events. 

Do 24.10.2024, 16-18 Uhr - C HS 5
Studieren an Partnerhochschulen: Ausschreibung der Austauschplätze, Bewerbungsverfahren, Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, organisatorische Fragen
alternativ per Zoom:
Fr 25.10.2024 – 14-16 Uhr Zugangsdaten Meeting-ID: 917 6606 5981, Kenncode: 523208

Do 24.10.24, 11-12 Uhr - C 5.109
Infoveranstaltung für Studierende: Doppelabschlussprogramm Cranfield University; mit Sandra Silva, Cranfield University und Jürgen Deller, Programmkoordinator; Anmeldung bitte unter

Di 29.10.24, 12-14 Uhr - C 40.154
Study at Partner Universities: Application, Financing, Organisation (for international degree seeking students, in English)

Get Together: Meet returnees who spent a semester abroad and international incoming students currently spending a semester at Leuphana University! (German/English)

Do 7.11.2024, 16-18 Uhr - C HS 5
Studienbegleitende Auslandsaufenthalte: Alternativen zu Studienaufenthalten an Partneruniversitäten
Studienaufenthalte für „free mover“, Auslandspraktika, Abschlussarbeiten im Ausland, Fachkurse im Rahmen von internationalen Sommer- und Winterschulen

Mi 20.11.24, 10-12 Uhr - C 4.111
Infoveranstaltung für Studierende: Studieren an der University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australien (Exchange und Study Abroad); mit Karen Fisher, UQ; Anmeldung bitte unter

Di 26.11.2024, 16-18 Uhr - C HS 2
Studieren an Partnerhochschulen: Bewerbungsverfahren
Organisatorischer und zeitlicher Ablauf, Hinweise zu Bewerbungsformular und –unterlagen wie Motivationsschreiben, Nachweis ausreichender Kenntnisse der Unterrichtssprache, Auswahlverfahren etc.

Do 12.12.2024, 23:59 Bewerbungsschluss Austauschplätze

Fr 10.01.25, 14-16 Uhr – Zoom, Zugangsdaten Meeting-ID: 917 6606 5981, Kenncode: 523208
Unterstützungsangebote an der Leuphana, Erasmus Mobilitätsprojekt MIX IT: Förderung von Praktika in Europa, Praktikumsprogramme des DAAD

Office hours

Open office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-12.30 p.m. in C5.138

Of course, you are also welcome to ask us your questions by phone or email.
For academic advice, please contact the relevant programme coordinator (see call for applications).


Follow us on Instagram #leuphanainternational and do not miss any upcoming date or event. Many Lüneburg outgoings present "their" host universities here and offer you insights into their life abroad!


Sandra Schnell
Study Abroad Administrator

Eva Voßhagen
International Coordinator / Outgoing Students & Staff

Open office hours: Tue & Thu 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and by telephone arrangement