Outside Europe Relevant Forms

All necessary forms and information for students with an exchange place at a non-European partner university can be found below for download.

Please first read the information on this page and under "Once you’ve been accepted". If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, email or in person during open office hours. Please discuss academic questions directly with the responsible program coordinator.

Please upload all necessary documents (see checklist) here: portal for stays abroad.

For questions about the (Online) Learning Agreement:
Group consultation hour on Wednesdays, 9.45 am (approx. 60 min)
Zoom meeting ID: 944 0417 8042, identification code: 262235

Forms for Exchange programmes outside the EU

  • Obligatory information events for outgoing students at partner universities outside of Europe in the academic year 2024/25
  • Checklist
  • Notification of study abroad
  • Academic Recognition/Learning Agreement
  • Confirmation of Arrival and Departure
  • Request for extension of stay
  • Experience Report

Forms for Exchange programmes outside the EU

Obligatory information events for outgoing students at partner universities outside of Europe in the academic year 2024/25

Sessions in German; Presentations in English. International students with low or no proficiency in German please contact us directly.

1. Bewerbung an der Partneruniversität - Finanzierung  -  Formalitäten  - Organisatorische Fragen
April 19, 2024
Presentation: download (pdf)

2. Anerkennungsverfahren – Erstellung des Learning Agreements
April 22, 2024, 10 am - 12 noon, UC lecture hall 2
PPT download (pdf, only in German)

Get-together for outgoing and incoming students:
May 28, 2024, 6-8 pm, AstA Wohnzimmer (C9)


In the checklist you will find all the necessary steps to take before, during and after your studies abroad at Leuphana, as well as the relevant contacts.

Notification of study abroad

You will continue to have student status at Leuphana University of Lüneburg during your studies abroad, but you can be exempted from paying fees (Studentenschafts- und Studentenwerksbeiträge) for the duration of your stay abroad. To do this, submit a "Notification of Semester Abroad" via the IC to Student Services. Please upload the completed and signed form to the Portal for Stays Abroad.

If you have any questions about the notification, please contact Student Services directly.

Academic Recognition/Learning Agreement

To ensure that credits earned abroad are recognized at Leuphana, a Learning Agreement must be prepared before the start of the semester abroad, but no later than five weeks after the start of lectures at the host university. Changes to the LA must also be made within five weeks of the start of lectures. The (possibly modified) Learning Agreement documents the final course selection at the host university and its eligibility for recognition at Leuphana.

Please thouroughly follow the instructions when creating the Learning Agreement!

The person responsible for recognition confirms the eligibility for recognition by signature or email correspondence. An email confirmation is only valid if a clear assignment of host university courses and Leuphana modules (codes, titles, CP) is evident from the email correspondence itself. To check the eligibility for recognition, the responsible persons need meaningful course/module descriptions. Note: You can recognize achievements from the curriculum of your own major, minor and complementary studies or degree program (GS). Courses you don’t wish to transfer are designated as "Additional Course"/”Zusatzleistung” (no signature required).

Please submit the completed and signed (Modified) Learning Agreement as a pdf with email correspondence (in one pdf) for review and signature to the International Center via email: la.outgoing@leuphana.de.

  • Find forms and lists of authorized responsible persons for recognition for download below.
  • Complete forms electronically.
  • We accept all documents as a pdf via email/with digital/electronic signature - no originals needed.
  • Due to vacation-related absences of IC staff and responsible persons for recognition, processing will take longer in July/August.
  • Incomplete forms cannot be processed.

The lists of the persons responsible for recognition and authorized to sign your learning agreement are available on the following websites:

Further information regarding course recognition are available here.

Confirmation of Arrival and Departure

Please have the start and end of your study abroad confirmed by the host university and then upload the form immediately in the portal for stays abroad.

Request for extension of stay

The extension of a stay abroad must be applied for in good time at the host and the home university. First seek the approval of the host university by having the responsible person sign the request for extension. Then upload the from to the portal for stays abroad at least one month before the end of the first semester at the host university to obtain the approval and signature of the International Center. Please note: in many cases, an extension is not possible, especially at universities that normally charge tuition fees (e.g. USA, Australia, Korea). An extension from the summer to the winter semester is generally not possible.

After the approval of the extension:

  • Upload Request for Extension of Stay in the Portal for Stays Abroad
  • Send your 'Learning Agreement' plus the email correspondence (if applicable) for the second semester to la.outgoing@leuphana.de

Experience Report

All students must submit an experience report at the end of their study abroad in which they can evaluate the program and provide personal experiences, positive and negative feedback and recommendations.

The experience reports are an important source of information for future participants and help to evaluate the exchange programs. If you release the report, part 2 of the report ("Description and evaluation") will be published anonymously in the database at https://leuphana.adv-pub.moveon4.de/home-page-1573/.

Please upload the complete and signed report as a pdf file to the Study Abroad Portal within four weeks of completing your study abroad program.


Sandra Schnell
Study Abroad Administrator

Stefanie Bahnsen
Student Mobility Officer: Learning Agreements