
Our team of tutors is always available to help students with any questions they may have about language learning.

No matter whether you need help with starting to learn on your own, with improving your existing language skills or with registering, preparing and taking a language test. As a team of tutors we are happy to be of assistance.

You can reach us during opening hours in the SLZ (room C5.104) or via email (slz@leuphana.de), Facebook and Instagram (slz_leuphana).

And this is us:

©Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Tutor team of the Self-Access Center summer semester 2024


Study Program: Teaching and Learning

Languages: German, English, French

My most helpful tip for language learning: Watching and listening to TV series, movies and podcasts in the foreign language.

My biggest inspiration for language learning: I want to understand foreign-language books and songs.

I enjoy working as a tutor in the SLZ because I get in touch with diffferent people and cultures!


Study Program: Cultural Studies

Languages: Italian, English, German, French and some Chinese (currently learning)

My most helpful tip for language learning: Trying to train the language everyday, even just for 10 minutes through the help of an App. It is also important to find an amusing way of learning, for example watching TV series and movies, or listening to music and try to understand the lyrics. The best option would be to speak with other people without worrying about making mistakes. That’s the only way to improve!

My biggest inspiration for language learning: Always meeting new people from all around the world and therefore getting to know new countries, cultures, traditions and chances.

I enjoy working as a tutor in the SLZ because I enjoy helping other people to learn the language and I would like to share my culture.


Study Program: Engineering

Languages: Spanish, English and German

My most helpful tip for language learning: Getting into the language or culture either in discussions or topics of interest and above all without shame to speak and make mistakes we all make mistakes, we just need a little help from others.

My biggest inspiration for language learning: To have the ability to communicate with different people from all over the world and understand their cultures, ideas and different personalities.

I enjoy working as a tutor at the SLZ  with the intention of helping different people to achieve a more fluent speech while having a good time, chatting, laughing at our mistakes in speaking and getting to know different cultures.


Study programme: Political Science

Languages: French, English, German and I'm learning Italian.

My most helpful tip for language learning: I think the best way to learn a language is to speak it with people. But you also need to find a pleasant way of learning it, like watching series or listening to music. It's not all about texts and grammar books, even if in the long run that's important if you want to speak the language properly.

My biggest inspiration for language learning are the people around me and being able to communicate easily with them when I'm travelling or studying.

I enjoy working as a tutor at the SLZ because it's a way of sharing my language and meeting new people. Furthermore, it allows me to perfect my German.


Study Program: MA Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization

Languages: Portuguese, English, German and Spanish. I also understand a little bit of Italian and French :)

My most helpful tip for language learning: To be patient and kind to yourself are my more valuable tips. It is also important to always be in contact with the language. Music, podcasts, series, news, books and so on are also a good way to integrate a new language into your everyday life. It's totally okay to make mistakes: You learn with your mistakes! Moreover, to learn a new language is a never-ending process :)

My biggest inspiration for language learning: When you learn a new language, you never learn only a language, but also a whole new culture. Learning a new language opens a window to a new perspective on the world.

I enjoy working as a tutor at the SLZ because I am interested in language learning. I work as a Portuguese tutor at the SLZ and I would like to teach my mother tongue with a critical perspective. I also find it particularly important that current topics are addressed in the Sprachcafé.


Study Program: Management and Entrepreneurship

Languages: English, Russian, B1 German

My most helpful tip for language learning: Don't be afraid to speak and take enough time to learn.

My biggest inspiration for language learning: The ability to fluently speak with native speakers and explore the culture from within.

I enjoy working as a tutor at the SLZ because I like to share my knowledge with people who are interested in exploring my native language and I am always there to help.

Wing Sum

Study Program: Digital Media

Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, German and a little bit Japanese  and French

My most helpful tip for language learning: Don’t worry about making mistakes; try to initiate conversation in the language you want to practice, even with strangers. At first, it might be weird, but as long as you try to speak, people will always appreciate your effort. If possible, find a group of people to learn together. 

My biggest inspiration for language learning: Learning new languages is a wonderful way to open the door to a different culture and thinking way, because it is usually not possible to understand a foreign culture only through translations.

I enjoy working as a tutor at the SLZ because I enjoy sharing my passion of the language and the culture that I inherited to people with various language backgrounds. It is always interesting to see how people with a totally different mother tongues understand my most familiar languages.