Who needs to take a placement test?

When does the placement test take place and what is its purpose?

What is required of students in Swedish language courses?

When do the Swedish courses start?

How good does my Swedish have to be to participate in the Erasmus program?

How can I prepare for a semester abroad or a course?

How do I get recognition of study achievements from Sweden?

Who needs to take a placement test?

For every course above level A1 you need to take a placement test unless you have already completed a course of the previous level in the given language.

When does the placement test take place and what is its purpose?

The Swedish placement test consists of two parts.

The written test is taken either at home on the computer or at the computer in the Self-Access Center (C5.104) during the opening hours and takes 20 to 45 minutes. The result or the total points including the level can be found at the end of the test.

The oral part of the placement test consists of a short interview (5 to 10 minutes) with one of the Swedish teachers. Please bring the result from the written online test. You will find the score in a table at the end of the online test.

The placement test will show you what your level is according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is not an exam and you do not have to immediately enroll in a Swedish language course.

What is required of students in Swedish language courses?

  • Attendance at the first session is essential.
  • Regular attendance (maximum of 2 excused days of absence).
  • Active participation during the course (including assignments, pair and group work, etc.).
  • Participation in the exam at the end of the course.

When do the Swedish courses start?

In the first week of the semester when lectures start. Make sure to register on time.

How good does my Swedish have to be to participate in the Erasmus program?

There are several criteria for Erasmus students, and Swedish language skills play a central role. Please note that application must be submitted approximately one year in advance. Therefore, it is best to speak with the lecturers early on in order to prepare for a stay abroad and also to achieve your academic success.

How can I prepare for a semester abroad or a course?

The Self-Access Center offers a number of possibilities and materials to expand your previous knowledge. It is also possible to start with a language as a beginner.

Take advantage of the Swedish courses offered by the Language and Culture Team at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg to learn Swedish. This will prepare you for the language and culture of Sweden.
The quality of your semester abroad depends on whether and to what extent you are able to communicate in the local language.

How do I get recognition of study achievements from Sweden?

For the recognition of study achievements from Swedish universities you will need

  •  Certificate of achievement
  •  Course description or syllabus
  •  Form from the examination office

Note: If you are studying at a partner university abroad and would like to obtain CP, then you must have the form from the examination office signed by the responsible teacher beforehand.


Dagmar Mißfeldt, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C5.102a
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2658