Erasmus+ Relevant Forms
All necessary forms and information for students with an exchange place at a non-European partner university can be found below for download.
Please first read the information on this page and under "Once you’ve been accepted". If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, e-mail or in person during open office hours. Please discuss academic questions directly with the responsible program coordinator.
Please upload all necessary documents (see checklist) here: portal for stays abroad.
For questions about the (Online) Learning Agreement:
Group consultation hour: Wednesdays, 9.45 a.m. (approx. 60 min)
Zoom meeting ID: 944 0417 8042, identification code: 262235
Only in German; Presentations in English
Bewerbung an der Partnerhochschule – Stipendienvereinbarung – Formalitäten – Organisatorische Fragen (application at partner institution, grant agreement, mandatory documents)
18.04.24, 16-18 Uhr, Zoom: Meeting ID 917 6606 5981, Kenncode 523208
or 19.04.2024, 12-14 Uhr, HS 4
Presentation in English: download (pdf)
Anerkennungsverfahren – Erstellung Laufzettel und Online Learning Agreement (academic recognition, learning agreement)
23.04.2024, 10-12 Uhr, HS 2
Presentation in German: download (pdf)
Get-together for outgoing- und incoming students
28.05.2024, 18:00-20:00 Uhr, AStA-Wohnzimmer, Building 9
Notification of a study abroad
You will continue to have student status at Leuphana University of Lüneburg during your studies abroad, but you can be exempted from paying fees (Studentenschafts- und Studentenwerksbeiträge) for the duration of your stay abroad. To do this, submit a "Notification of Semester Abroad" via the IC to Student Services. Please upload the completed and signed form to the Portal for Stays Abroad.
If you have any questions about the notification, please contact Student Services directly.
Grant Agreement and Student Charter
In the academic year 2023/24 and 2024/25, Erasmus outgoings will be funded from 2 different Erasmus+ projects. Depending on the duration of the project, the period of stay and the destination country, we will assign you to a project.
When requested, you submit the data required for the grant agreement via the portal. We will inform you as soon as your grant agreement can be signed at the International Center. If you have applied for top-ups, please bring the declaration of honor with you for signature.
Top-ups for students with fewer opportunities
We are very happy about the additional funds that are available for Erasmus students with fewer opportunities.
Students with fewer opportunities, i.e. with chronic illnesses or disabilities, with child(ren), first-time graduates and employed students can apply for additional funding of 250 EUR/month. Please submit an original copy of the signed declaration of honor and, if requested, other documents with the grant agreement. Detailed information on the criteria and supporting documents can be found in the declarations of honor in the download area. Top-ups for students with fewer opportunities cannot be combined. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Due to given reasons we have to point out that your information in the honorary declarations can be checked within the scope of an audit. In case of false information or forged signatures, there may be criminal consequences in addition to a reclaim of the funding.
The documents for the 2024 project are expected to be available at the end of July.
Top-up for arrival and departure
In the 2023 project, students who use environmentally friendly means of transport receive a one-off top-up of 50 EUR and the daily rate for up to 4 additional days of travel.
In the 2024 project, necessary travel days can be funded. For non-environmentally friendly means of transport, up to 2 travel days are subsidized with the daily rate. If environmentally friendly means of transport are used, funding for up to 6 travel days is possible.
- Learning Agreement - see below!
- Student Charter
- Information on the scholarship agreement: project 2023 - AY 2023/24 (only in German)
- Information on the scholarship agreement: project 2023 - AY 2024/25 (only in German)
- Information on the scholarship agreement: project 2024 - AY 2024/25 (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Gainful Employment (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Green Travel: Project 2023 (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Travel Days: Project 2024 (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration First-time Academics (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Child (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Disability (only in German)
- Honorary Declaration Chronic Illness (only in German)
Online Language Support (OLS)
Erasmus students can benefit from OLS online language support on a voluntary basis. Access is via the EU Academy platform. Erasmus+ students have various options: they can carry out so-called "self-assessments" to assess their language skills and take part in language courses in any number of languages. Grantees are expected to receive access to the OLS area by email in May.
Academic Recognition / Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement – First version / Erasmus+ Learning Agreement Before the Mobility
Outgoing students create their Online Learning Agreement (OLA) exclusively(!) in the portal for stays abroad, in which you have already made your application for the exchange. As soon as the OLA function is available to you in the portal, you will receive an automatic notification via the OLA system and can start creating the OLA.
Students whose OLA function does not appear in the portal shall contact Stefanie Bahnsen:
The Online Learning Agreement - First Version documents the basic eligibility for recognition of the modules/courses taken at the host university. The online document is signed electronically in the portal by the student, the Erasmus University Coordinator and the responsible person at the host university.
Any change that occurs after the start of the mobility must be documented in an Online Learning Agreement - Changes via the portal and signed again electronically by all three parties within 5 weeks after the start of lectures at the host university.
Please proceed as follows:
- The Online Learning Agreement (OLA) is based on the so-called routing slip for the Online Learning Agreements:
- Enter all modules/courses that you would like to take at the host university and assign them to the Leuphana modules that you would like to have recognized. Please complete the routing slip electronically!
Note: You can recognize achievements from the curriculum of your own major, minor and complementary studies or degree program (GS). See also: recognition. - Have the credit eligibility of the selected courses/modules confirmed by signature or email correspondence by only the person(s) responsible for recognition (see list below). Remember to submit course/module descriptions to the responsible for recognition. Important: An email confirmation is only valid with a clearly documented equivalence of host university courses and Leuphana modules (numbers, title, CP) within the email correspondence (with subject, recipient/sender, date) itself.
- Designate the courses at the host university for which you don’t request recognition as "additional work" ("Zusatzleistung") on the routing slip; no signature is required.
- Enter all modules/courses that you would like to take at the host university and assign them to the Leuphana modules that you would like to have recognized. Please complete the routing slip electronically!
- Transfer the courses/modules listed on the routing slip to the OLA form (First Version) in your portal. Note: ALL host university courses as well as Leuphana modules confirmed as eligible for recognition will be entered into the OLA.
- Complete the OLA in the portal by "save" and "approve" - the OLA will be sent automatically to the Leuphana International Center for review and approval.
- Parallel to step 3, send the routing slip matching the OLA as a pdf via email to:
You will receive an automatic notification as soon as your OLA has been completed in the portal or if it needs to be revised again. You can also view the processing status at any time in the portal and download the OLA as a pdf after approval by all three parties.
according to the deadline of the host university (if applicable, as part of the application documents), but in any case no later(!) than 5 weeks before the start of the stay abroad.
Please note:
- The instructions for completing the OLA in the portal as well as the instructions for the docket (see below).
- OLA and related documents will be processed as they are received.
- Due to vacation-related absences of IC staff and responsible persons for recognition, processing will take longer in July/August.
- We accept all documents as a pdf via email/with digital/electronic signature - no originals need to be submitted.
- Incomplete OLA documents will not be processed.
The lists of the persons responsible for recognition are available on the following websites:
- for Bachelor students students or download here
- for Master students students or download here
Further information regarding course recognition are available here.
Students who do not see the OLA area in their portal for stays abroad, will use the traditional Learning Agreement Before the Mobility form and the matching routing slip as a subsitute.
Academic Recognition / Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement – Changed version / Erasmus+ Learning Agreement During the Mobility
Any changes to the first agreed and approved study programme (i.e. the OLA - Fist Version) after the beginning of the mobility must be documented within 5 weeks after the start of lectures at the host university with an Online Learning Agreement - Changes.
Please proceed as follows:
- The basis for the OLA - Changes is, similar to the OLA - First Version, a routing slip for the OLA:
- Any changes in the eligibility for recognition at Leuphana are mapped in the OLA routing slip (Changes).
- Please consider the "Instructions Routing Slip for the Online Learning Agreement (only in German)" below!
- Create the OLA - Changes in the portal for stays abroad:
- Log in to the portal -> "Edit LA" -> on the left "First Version" (later visible as "Latest Proposal") -> click on the field "+ Propose Changes" at the very bottom: Courses/modules related to the completed OLA- First Version can be deleted or added.
- Attention: The OLA - Changes can only be created if the OLA - First Version has already been approved online by all parties. The approval by the respective parties is displayed in the OLA in the "First Version" area at the top.
- Finalise the changes ("Latest Proposal") in the portal by "save" and "approve" - the OLA - Changes will be sent automatically to the Leuphana International Center/the Erasmus+ Coordinator of Leuphana University for review and sign-off.
- Parallel to step 3, send routing slip matching the OLA - Changes as a pdf by email to:
- 5 weeks after the start of the lecture period at the host university.
The lists of the persons responsible for recognition are available on the following websites:
- for Bachelor students students or download here
- for Master students students or download here
Students whose host university has not approved the OLA - First Version online, but only signed a pdf, use the traditional Learning Agreement During the Mobility form and the matching routing slip.
Confirmation of Arrival and Departure
According to the EU guidelines the Erasmus funding has to be calculated on a daily basis. Therefore, you have to submit a confirmation of your host institution indicating your date of arrival and your date of departure.
The start date is the first day you are present at the host university for academic purposes, e.g. welcome event or start of language course.
The end date is the last day you need to be present at the host university, e.g. the end of the individual examination phase.
Only the physical stay at the host university is eligible for funding. If you leave earlier and complete your studies online, the funding ends with your departure.
The minimum stay is 60 days; shorter stays are not eligible for funding.
Request for extension of the Erasmus mobility
You can extend your Erasmus mobility by applying to the host and home universities in good time. First obtain the approval of the host university by having the responsible person sign the request for extension. Then upload the application to the portal for stays abroad at least one month before the end of the first semester at the host university in order to obtain the approval and signature of the International Center. An extension from the summer/spring to the winter/fall semester is not possible.
After the approval of the extension:
- A new original grant agreement is not required. You will receive an email with the new funding dates and the new funding amount. The changes must be confirmed by email.
- Upload 'Notification of a study abroad' for the second semester to the portal for stays abroad.
- Create your OLA for the second semester and send your routing slip ("Laufzettel") plus the email correspondence, if applicable, to
Experience report
Erasmus+ students must submit a mandatory Online Participant Report via the EU Beneficiary Module. The report is not intended for publication but rather serves to evaluate the Erasmus+ program. Students will receive the request to submit the Online Participant Report by email upon termination of their study abroad (title of the email: “Ihr Bericht über den Erasmus-Auslandsaufenthalt / Erasmus participant report request”).
In addition, all outgoing students must submit an experience report after completing their studies abroad, in which they can evaluate their studies abroad in retrospect and provide personal experiences, praise, criticism and recommendations.
The experience reports are an important source of information for the next participants and help to evaluate the exchange programs. If you release the report, part 2 of the report ("Description and evaluation") will be published anonymously in the MoveOn portal at
Please upload the complete and signed report in a pdf file to the portal for study abroad programs within four weeks after the end of the study abroad program.