Financial Support

For internships abroad, there is usually limited to no funding, but there are opportunities for (partial) funding of internships you have sought yourself, particularly through the Erasmus+ program, as well as internship programs, in which you will receive a (partial) grant along with the internship. Depending on the program, applications for funding must be submitted via the International Center or directly to a funding organization.

Below you will find a selection of funding programs for study-related internships abroad. We provide information on current grant and program announcements in our newsletter international. Feel free to contact us if you are considering or have already accepted an internship, as we may be able to point you towards suitable funding programs and support you in the application process. Please note, however, that grants generally have to be applied for several months before the start of the internship.

Funding Programs (selection)

  • Erasmus+ MIX IT
  • DAAD-Short-term grants for internships abroad
  • DAAD Teacher Training International
  • DAAD RISE Worldwide
  • ASA-Program: Project Internship

Funding Programs (selection)

  • DAAD-Short-term grants for internships abroad

Funding Programs (selection)

Erasmus MIX IT (Application via the International Center)

Leuphana is part of the Southeast Lower Saxony University Partnership, whose Erasmus+ Mobility project “MIX IT” offers German and international students as well as graduates the opportunity to receive individual financial and organizational support for their internship abroad. The aims of the program are to increase the mobility and strengthen the international cooperation between universities and companies as well as to increase the professional and life experience of students and graduates through an internship abroad. Leibnitz University Hannover has been coordinating the program since 1995.

Eligible for funding are self-sought full-time internships of between two and twelve months, primarily in Erasmus+ program countries and, to a lesser extent, in non-European countries.

The complete application must be submitted to the International Center at least two months before the start of the internship.

If you are interested, please contact Eva Voßhagen (see contact).

Detailed information, application documents, experience reports and an internship exchange can be found here. (in German only)

DAAD-Short-term grants for internships abroad

With the DAAD-grants, self-sought internships can be funded at one of the following institutions:

  • Deutsche agencies abroad (embassies, consulates general and permanent missions of the federal republic of Germany)
  • EU-Institutions, Institutions in the UN-System, in the Bretton-Woods-Organizations, NATO, OECD, and approved non-governmental organizations.
  • German Schools abroad
  • Goethe-Institute e.V.
  • Max-Weber-Foundation
  • German Archaeological Institutes Abroad
  • Selected institutions of foreign cultural policy

Further information on the DAAD short term scholarships program can be found here (in German only).

DAAD Lehramt.International: Internships abroad for teacher training students

Teacher training students of all subject combinations and school types can apply for grants for 1-6-month self-organized internships at schools abroad in the “Lehramt.International” program. Internships in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey are not eligible for funding.

Further information can be found here (only in German).

DAAD Lehramt.International: Internships abroad for teacher training graduates

Graduates of teacher training courses (Master's or state examination) of all subject combinations and all school types can apply for grants for 3 (90 calendar days) to 12-month internships at school institutions abroad in the “Lehramt.International” program. Internships in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey are not eligible for funding.

Further information can be found here (only in German).

RISE Worldwide: Research internships

As part of the scholarship program “RISE Weltweit” (Research Internships in Science and Engineering), the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD arranges research internships for Bachelor students from the fields of natural sciences and engineering as well as medicine, psychology and computer science. The internships last between one and a half and three months and take place during the semester break.

Scholarship holders receive a monthly DAAD full grant rate and a travel allowance (both depending on the destination country). The scholarship also includes health, accident and liability insurance. Applications are possible from October (Canada: August to September) for the following summer.

You can find detailed information here.

ASA program: Project internship in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Southeast Europe

The ASA program sees itself as a workshop for global learning and is aimed at young people from various professional and academic fields. For over 60 years, it has offered a place for joint learning, a change of perspective and commitment to sustainable development and a just world based on solidarity.

In addition to seminars, the program includes a three-month project internship in a country in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Southeast Europe. Some project internships last six months: they begin in Germany for three months before continuing in the partner country. The project internships take place at international cooperation and civil society organizations, within municipal partnerships and at companies and universities. The topics are just as varied.

The ASA program is offered by Engagement Global GmbH - Service for Development Initiatives on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Further information can be found here.


IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is an international internship exchange organization whose tasks in Germany are carried out by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. Students at German universities who have been placed abroad for a technical internship via IAESTE can apply to the DAAD for a travel allowance if the internship takes place outside Europe. The internships generally last 2 to 3 months and usually take place between July and October. The German Committee of IAESTE does not provide any subsidies for accommodation costs, but the remuneration granted by the foreign companies usually covers the cost of living in the host country.

Information on IAESTE can be found here, information on the travel allowance can be found here (only in German).

AIESEC - International internships and volunteer projects

Working in an NGO, marketing, business development, teaching, environmental protection, animal welfare, health education: The “Global Volunteer” program enables social internships and volunteer projects abroad for 6-8 weeks. AIESEC takes care of the preparation and follow-up, the accommodation in a host family or an international house and supervises the stay. The projects take place in Brazil, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Romania, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Tunisia.

Participants pay a project fee of €400 as well as the costs for travel, visa and travel health insurance.

More information can be found here.