Erasmus+ Staff Mobility

The Erasmus+ programme, funded by the European Commission, enables shorter periods abroad for teaching staff (teaching mobility) as well as administrative staff (training mobility) at a European partner institution. Staff mobility for training purposes is also possible at an institution outside the HE sector. Please find information on both funding schemes below as well as the contact persons in the International Center.

Unfortunately, funding for staff mobility to the UK is no longer possible under the Erasmus+ programme with immediate effect.

Teaching Mobility

Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions (HEIs) abroad, which hold an Erasmus Charta (ECHE); this applies to all European partner institutions of Leuphana.


  • A teaching period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days (excluding travelling time) and a maximum of 2 months (including travelling time). In general, one-week stays can be funded.
  • During your stay abroad, the teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time. If teaching activities and further training are combined, the teaching load is reduced to 4 hours/week. Whereas the stipulations of the bilateral agreement with the partner institutions are relevant for the funding of the mobility (see Application); additional working days can be approved as so-called zero grant days without funding.
  • Teaching activities that will be financed by a third party, cannot be funded through Erasmus+.
  • In general, multiple funding is possible, however, priority is given to applicants without a prior Erasmus+ funding.

Eligible persons

Eligible for funding are

  • Professors and other teaching staff members with an employment contract
  • Research assistants (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter_innen)
  • Professors emeriti with a teaching assignment


A list of all partner universities where Erasmus funded short-term lecturerships are possible can be found in our database (only in German).

Please fill in both the faculty as well as the programme(s) in the search mask: Erasmus-STA KA131. Once you have selected a university, you will find information about the number of available places and the respective coordinator under "Beziehungen" at the bottom of the page, as well as general information on the cooperation at the top.

Applications for teaching periods at a European partner institution, with which an agreement on teaching staff mobility has been concluded, can be submitted at any time, latest 2 months before the start of the planned mobility. Please liaise with the respective coordinator for the partner institution to coordinate the planned mobility. Valid applications will be accepted in the order of arrival and according to availabilty of funds.

We will check your application and information you as soon as possible, whether your planned teaching mobility can be funded with Erasmus+.

Formal procedures

Before the mobility

After approval of your application, please send us the carefully and electronically completed form Mobility Agreement latest 4 weeks before the start of the mobility (the indication of the project can be found in the confirmation).

This agreement includes the details of the planned teaching mobility and has to be filled out according to prior agreement with the responsible person at the host university. If a teaching mobility shall be conducted outside lecture periods or at weekends, please explain the reasons.

Together with the Mobility Agreement, please also submit a copy of the approved business travel application („Dienstreiseantrag“) and, if you will be using low-emission means of transportation such as bus, train, or carpooling for the main part of the trip, or traveling by ship if the destination can otherwise only be reached by plane, the "Honorary Declaration Green Travel.

As soon as we receive the signed Moblity Agreement and the approved travel application we will issue the Grant Agreement. Once signed by you and handed in as an original copy, we will arrange for the payment of 70% of the grant.

After the mobility

Please send us the Confirmation signed by the responsible person at the host university and indicating the duration of the mobility period and number of teaching hours latest 2 weeks after the termination of the mobility.

You will also automatically receive a request to take part in the EU online survey. Once you have completed the survey, we can arrange for the payment of the remaining 30% grant.


Erasmus staff mobilities are counted as working time as part of an approved business trip. Participants receive a certificate at the end of the mobility, which is also attached to the personnel file.

Training Mobility

Erasmus+ supports training periods abroad for staff working in higher education institutions. Options for such training periods include workshops and seminars as well as job shadowing.The subsidy includes country-dependent residence allowances as well as travel allowances (see below). Course fees cannot be reimbursed.

With Erasmus+, you can train at a higher education institution or at an organisation outside the HE sector in a Programme country. Examples of organisations outside the HE sector include businesses, public bodies, social partners, research institutes and non-governmental organisations.


  • Training abroad based on a defined programme, e.g. participation in a staff mobility week*
  • Exchanging information with international colleagues and gaining new perspectives
  • Strengthening own competences
  • Developing professional networks

*Staff mobility weeks are offered regularly at many universities and are often organised for specific target groups (e.g. library staff). Announcements of staff mobility weeks at partner universities are forwarded by the IO to the corresponding departments at Leuphana. A list of staff mobility weeks in Europe can be found in the database IMOTION


  • A training period must last a minimum of 2 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
  • Eligible are employed staff members of all university units.
  • Each staff training abroad requires that the staff member, the university and the receiving institution sign a Mobility Agreement. This document sets out learning goals, rights and responsibilities and also how the training will be formally recognised.

A solid knowledge of the English language or the language of the host country is required.


Applications for a training mobility can be sent at any time and informally to Eva Vosshagen. She will be happy to help you find the most suitable country and receiving institution.

Before the mobility

After approval of your application, please send us the carefully and electronically completed form Mobility Agreement latest 4 weeks before the start of the mobility (the indication of the project can be found in the confirmation).

This agreement includes the details of the planned training mobility and has to be filled out according to prior agreement with the responsible person at the host institution. If a training mobility includes weekends, please explain the reasons.

Together with the Mobility Agreement, please also submit a copy of the approved business travel application („Dienstreiseantrag“) and, if you will be using low-emission means of transportation such as bus, train, or carpooling for the main part of the trip, or traveling by ship if the destination can otherwise only be reached by plane, the "Honorary Declaration Green Travel. Please note: For the EU countries France, Austria, Italy for short-term and/or short-term business trips up to two weeks, the A1 certificates must be applied for in advance at the Professorship Service or the Personnel Service. The application must be submitted at the same time as the business travel application. For all other countries the application for the certificate is not necessary in such cases.

As soon as we receive the signed Moblity Agreement and the approved travel application we will issue the Grant Agreement. Once signed by you and handed in as an original copy, we will arrange for the payment of 70% of the grant.

After the mobility

Please send us the Confirmation signed by the responsbile person at the host institution and indicating the duration of the mobility period and number of working hours, latest 2 weeks after the termation of the mobility.

You will also automatically receive a request to take part in the EU online survey. Once you have completed the survey, we can arrange for the payment of the remaining 30% grant.


Erasmus staff mobilities are counted as working time as part of an approved business trip. Participants receive a certificate at the end of the mobility, which is also attached to the personnel file.

Financial support

EU grants provide a contribution to your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad and vary depending on the receiving country and the distance between Lüneburg and the receiving country/town.

The daily allowances are standardised and differentiated by 3 country groups and for day 1 to day 14; from day 15 to day 60 the daily allowance will be reduced by 30%.

Target countriesDaily allowance
days 1 - 14

(excluding travel days)
in Euros
Daily allowance
days 15 – 60
(excluding travel days)
in Euros
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden180126

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain


Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tschech Republic, Turkey

Partner countries (from Project 2021)180126

In addition, travel costs can be reimbursed in relation to the real distance between Lüneburg and the target location. Distances will be calculated Europe-wide with a calculator.

One-way distance in km
according to calculator
Project 2021 and 2022
return journey
in Euros
return journey
in Euros
for Green Travel*
100 - 499180210
500 - 1.999275320
2.000 - 2.999360410
3.000 - 3.999530610
4.000 - 7.999820-
8.000 and more1.500-

 *The horizontal priority Sustainability focuses on raising the awareness of Erasmus+ participants on the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular on the environmental footprint that participants create through their mobility. The financial support for sustainable transport should increase the number of mobilities with more environmentally friendly means of transport and reduce the environmental footprint of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Green travel" means travel that uses low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling for the majority of the journey.

©Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
Co-funded by the European Union


Eva Voßhagen
International Coordinator / Outgoing Students & Staff

Carola Pellenwessel
Administrative Assistant