Opportunities for Doctoral Students

You are a doctoral student at Leuphana University and would like to spend a research period abroad? You are planning to start a doctorate and would like to work in an international environment? In both cases there a couple of opportunities.

Research abroad

A research stay abroad is particularly suitable if the topic of the dissertation has an international reference, or is often even indispensable in this context. There are a number of funding opportunities for research stays abroad as part of doctoral studies.  More

Foreign supervisor

In order to promote your international networking, you can choose a Leuphana supervisor as well as a foreign second evaluator, provided that this second evaluator fulfils the requirements of the doctoral regulations. For further information, please contact the Graduate School.

Binational doctoral degree

In the so-called Cotutelle procedure, a doctoral degree can be awarded jointly by two universities in two different countries. The procedure is binational, especially with regard to the supervision of the dissertation, the prescribed stays at the participating universities and the participation of foreign professors in the doctoral process. More


Eva Voßhagen
International Coordinator / Outgoing Students & Staff