Faculty Student Council

You have questions to students? You want to join in?

The Faculty Student Council Sustainability is subdivided into the respective Programme Student Councils (Fachgruppevertretungen/FGV) of the different majors offered at Bachelor and Master level.

If you have questions that are best answered by students of the respective Bachelor's or Master's degree programme or if you simply feel like supporting your Programme Student Council, then take a look at the homepage or write an e-mail.

You want to get involved?

Opportunities to engage at the university from AStA to ZSK

Students initiatives

FGV Umweltwissenschaften

Email: fguwi@leuphana.de

FGV Environmental Sciences

Email: fgenvi@leuphana.de

FGV Global Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Email: fggess@leuphana.de

FGV Psychology

Email: fgvpsych@leuphana.de

FGV Master Sustainability Sciences

Email: fgvsusta@leuphana.de

Doctoral Student Council

Email: info@fgv-promotion.de