School of Public Affairs Research Colloquium
The School of Public Affairs Research Colloquium takes place regularly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays during the semester. Both external guests and members of the school present current research from political science, law and economics at the colloquium. The colloquium serves to promote interdisciplinary exchange and networking across disciplines. Interested parties are cordially invited to attend the talks! The colloquium is organised by the Vice Dean for Research, Prof. Dr. Mario Mechtel, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
School of Public Affairs Research Colloquium Summer Semester 2024
Tuesday, 16 April, 16:15-17:45, C6.316
Prof. Agustin Barroilhet, PhD (Universidad de Chile)
Coordinating Public and Private Enforcement in Class Actions
Wednesday, 15 Mai, 16:15-17:45, Lecture Hall 3
Prof. Dr. Natascha Zaun (Leuphana)
The role of courts in migration politics (Inaugural lecture)
Tuesday, 11 Juni, 12:15-13:45, C5.310
Prof. Dr. Anke Gerber (Universität Hamburg)
On the Endogenous Order of Play in Sequential Games
Tuesday, 25 Juni, 16:15-17:45, C40.255
Dr. Fabian Reuschle (Landgericht Stuttgart)
Die Reform des Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetzes (KapMuG)