
For better illustration, we have compiled a list of texts that contain examples of sexualized discrimination and violence (in English and German) from everyday university life. The links listed lead to texts created by various universities and other organizations in German-speaking and international contexts. They contain real examples that were created by the respective editors based on reports they received from those affected. The focus is on sexualized discrimination and violence in the university environment and in the wider professional context.



Stadt Wien: Das absolute no go. Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz (p. 7-8)


Universität Bielefeld: Sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt an der Hochschule (p. 11-12)


Period.Brussels: It’s not that grey. How to identify the grey area — a practical guide for the twilight zone of sexual harassment (p. 20-35)


Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network RAINN: Survivor Stories


them, a next-generation community platform: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

D'Arcee Neal: The #MeToo Movement Has Ignored Disabled People, But We Need It More Than Ever


Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien: Junge Männer und Frauen als Betroffene von sexueller Belästigung in Ausbildung und Beruf (S.8)