Gender diversity at the university

Experiences, challenges and opportunities

10. Jun

9 am - 1 pm via Zoom

Gender diversity is becoming increasingly visible at universities. Students and faculty are coming out as trans* or inter*, using neo pronouns, transitioning socially, legally, and/or medically. However, among other things, the linguistic inclusion of these people is still often experienced as a challenge in everyday work. How can employees consistently think gender diversity? What is needed for competent and safe interactions? In this workshop, all these basics for dealing with gender diversity will be taught and uncertainties as well as questions will be clarified. Terms that often come up in connection with gender diversity (including inter*, trans*, non-binary) will be defined. The trainer gives an exemplary introduction into the realities of life of so-called gender minorities and gives practical tips for a respectful, unbiased interaction.

Né Fink is a systemic consultant and self-employed as a gender diversity trainer. Xe (pronoun) coordinated the project "Support for trans* students" at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen for two years. Through countless counseling sessions with students and consulting meetings with university staff and faculty, xe gained insight into the situation of many trans* and abinary students and staff*, as well as the everyday problems at the university. On a voluntary basis, Né Fink is involved in trans* and relatives counseling.

Registration is possible via the Internal Continuing Education page.