E-Exams with EvaExam

EvaExam is a software that facilitates the digital planning and conduct of exams. From designing the questions to calculating the grades, EvaExam guides you through the whole process of an online exam. In EvaExam, you can design and save questions as well as generate, conduct, and evaluate exams. In the following, you will find some material to help you get started and to which you can come back if you have any questions.

If you want to generate an exam online, but hold the exam on paper, our page on scan exams is relevant for you.

A red arrow pointing to the right, listing six points of a process: 1. Access to EvaExam, creation of your examiner account, 2. Preparation of the exam sheet, 3. Setup of the online exam, 4. Conducting the online exam, 5. Assessment of the online exam, 6. Archiving the online exam. ©Lehrservice
The process of an online exam with EvaExam.

Here you can see an example of the process of an exam with EvaExam. In the material provided on this page, the steps are explained in detail.

Handouts & material

If you have questions that are not answered here, please check the FAQ online exams (in German) or contact the support (see below).

Please use EvaExam in Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
Using another browser may lead to problems.

Requesting an examiner account

An account for examiners can be set up by the teaching service. Please contact lehrservice@leuphana.de and provide (apart from your name) your department and tell us whether the account is supposed to be a personal account (only for you) or a shared account (for example for your institute). Please note that one account can only ever be used by one person at a time.

Mock exam for students

To enable students to familiarise themselves with the EvaExam interface before the actual exam date, we have provided a sample exam in the form of a quiz here. The link will take you directly to the first question. In an exam situation, the TAN entry and the start page would be displayed here first. You will therefore find screenshots of these on pages 2 and 3. The mock exam contains all the question types that EvaExam currently offers and is designed in the style of the Leuphana online exams. However, lecturers can customise the interface themselves - so the actual exam may look different.

Feel free to share the link with your students!