Freiraum 2023

Two Leuphana projects were successful in the "Freiraum 2023" funding decision by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education. Details on the call for proposals and the funding conditions can be found on the "Freiraum 2023" (in German) website of the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education. The internal university coordination of the applications and the formal review of the documents was carried out with the support of the Teaching Service.


Applicants: Prof Dr Henrik von Wehrden, Dagmar Berg-Mölleken

Interdisciplinary collaboration requires an understanding of different forms of knowledge, scientific cultures and normative dimensions of different research approaches. The Methods Centre at Leuphana and the Sustainability Methods Wiki embedded in it serve as a hub for spiral-curricular methods teaching, which continuously supports the development of students' methodological skills. The methods wiki has been and is being developed in parallel projects and will be embedded in teaching and its effectiveness for the acquisition of skills will be investigated in the present project. By creating and expanding an experimental comparison in teaching and a survey infrastructure that tracks the acquisition of methodological skills longitudinally over the course of the programme, the effect of the wiki can be examined and its use can subsequently be integrated into the spiral-curricular methodological teaching. subsequently be integrated into the spiral-curricular methodological teaching at Leuphana. In addition to providing teaching materials and advice on didactic approaches for lecturers, the aim is to generate evidence for the continuous revision of the wiki and the modules centrally linked to it.



Applicants: Prof Dr Hannah Trittin / Dr Johannes Katsarov

Several meta-studies have shown that the use of game-based learning (SBL) can make a massive contribution to motivating learners and achieving greater learning outcomes (e.g. Clark et al., 2016). For example, role-playing and digital learning games can achieve greater learning effects in research ethics training within a few hours than in full semester courses using conventional methods (Katsarov et al., 2021). The aim of the Game Didactics project is therefore to initiate the development of this immense potential for even more motivating and effective teaching at Leuphana University. A total of 6-9 courses are to be gamified in so-called "lighthouse projects" in order to demonstrate the added value of SBL throughout the university. Lecturers will receive scientific support in the design, implementation and evaluation of the projects. A modularised training programme will enable Leuphana lecturers to develop key skills for SBL in the future. Furthermore, an educational game wiki will be created to make teachers aware of games that could enrich their teaching. Through a series of outreach Eat & Play workshops at the faculties, teachers will be invited to get to know and appreciate SBL in a low-threshold way. Regular events of this kind and a final conference will help to build community and publicise what has been achieved at the university.