Communicating work assignments and tasks

Digital tools offer advantages for communicating work and assignments to students by improving efficiency, facilitating access, promoting communication and allowing more flexible organisation of the learning process.

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Task (in German)

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Announcement forum

Use of myPortfolio with didactic notes

Audio use for teaching/podcasting

Audio can be a valuable addition to the educational process as it promotes flexibility, engagement and accessibility and can appeal to different learning styles. The use of audio editing and podcasting tools can be used to create varied learning materials that can be integrated into asynchronous environments, such as flipped classrooms, regardless of time or location.

Instructions for myVideo / Panopto

Overview of media production with information on audio recording and podcasting

Creating brainstorming sessions

The use of digital tools for brainstorming in the classroom enables efficient collaboration, as ideas can be collected and shared. They encourage creativity as various multimedia elements such as images, videos and links can be easily integrated into the process. The tools allow for a structured organisation and documentation of ideas, which facilitates the subsequent evaluation and further development of concepts.

Overview of digital Whiteboards

Information on Collaboard with didactic notes

Information on Cryptpad with didactic notes

Information on Kanban Boards with didactic notes

Creating e-assessments

E-exams and e-assessments enable automated scoring, speeding up the assessment process and saving teachers time. The digital tools support a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, drag-and-drop and interactive, to test students' different skills and knowledge more comprehensively. It is possible to create adaptive tests that adapt to students' individual learning levels for more accurate assessment.

Information on online exams with EvaExam

Informationen on Scan exams with EvaExam

FAQ on EvaExam (in German)

FAQ on online exams with EvaExam (in German)

Information on online exams with Moodle

FAQ on online exams mit Moodle (in German)

Information on competence orinentated assessments with didactic notes

Receive feedback from students/encourage students to give feedback

Digital tools can be used to receive feedback from students or to encourage students to give feedback. They can provide an anonymous feedback option, allowing students to give honest and constructive feedback without inhibition. They facilitate the process of collecting and analysing feedback, allowing teachers to gain a better insight into students' needs and opinions and to adapt their teaching accordingly. In addition, digital tools can strengthen communication between teachers and students by providing a simple and accessible platform for exchanging feedback.

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Feedback

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Peer Review (in German)

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Forum

Summary information on Moodle

Information on Course evaluation (Lehrveranstaltungsevalluation (LVE))

Feedback for students

Giving feedback to students using digital tools enables immediate or real-time feedback, which speeds up the learning process. Students can immediately reflect on and improve their performance. Feedback can include multimedia elements such as audio or video to better explain complex concepts and enhance student understanding. Digital tools allow for detailed and personalised feedback to target each student's strengths and areas for development. This helps to improve learning outcomes and increase student engagement.

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Forum

Video creation support

Information on myVideo / Panopto

Information on using video annotation

Annotate on myPortfolio and more

Encourage interaction and participation

The use of digital tools to encourage student interaction and participation provides high flexibility and accessibility for learning from anywhere. Students can actively participate through discussion and collaboration and receive immediate feedback, which increases motivation and can lead to a learning experience.

Information on Classroom Response Systems with didactic notes

Information on the Classroom Response System Particify with didactic notes

Information on Actionbound with didactic notes

Information on ChatAI with didactic notes

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Choice

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Survey

Information on Cryptpad with didactic notes

Overview on Digital Whiteboards, e.g. Collaboard

Information on Activation of large groups with didactic notes

Collaborative learning and working

In contrast to cooperation, collaboration means working together to create a common product, not just a division of labour. Collaborative learning requires a high degree of coordination between learners. Digital tools enable participants to work together efficiently and in real time, regardless of their location. Shared editing of documents, discussion forums and group chats improve communication and teamwork. Contributions and ideas can be submitted flexibly at different times, allowing participants to adapt to their individual schedules and still work productively on the collaborative project.

Information on Cryptpad with didactic notes

Overview on Digital Whiteboards, e.g. Collaboard

Information on Actionbound with didactic notes

Information on Kanban Boards, e.g. WEKAN

Information on Academic Cloud file management

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Wiki

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Glossary

Information on unsing video annotation

Information on collaborative learning with didactic notes

Organising communication

Communicating with and among students is fast and efficient with digital, privacy-compliant tools. Messages and information can be exchanged in real time, making it easier to reach and interact with more students, and can be used anywhere, anytime.

Information on RocketChat with usage instructions

Information on Microsoft 365 with chat features

Designing learning environments

Several applications can be used to structure a course, provide materials, create a place to submit assessments, give feedback to students or connect seminar participants and organise collaboration in seminars and groups.

Overview of Moodle with usage instructions

Overview of myPortfolio with usage instructions

Information on Microsoft 365 for employees

Instructions of myStudy on myStudy portal

Track learning and work progress

The ability to monitor learning and work progress gives students a sense of control and self-competence. Teachers can respond to students' individual needs. Tracking progress on assignments can be done in a Moodle room, but also with tools outside of Moodle.

Information about the Moodle function Progress bar with instructions (in German)

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Board (in German)

Information on Kanban Boards, e.g. WEKAN

Create surveys and voting

Voting tools make surveys convenient and timely as they are accessible online and students can complete them from their own devices. Data is automatically scored and analysed, and can be shared and saved. In addition to activation, quick feedback can be used, for example, to effectively adapt the teaching programme to the needs of the students.

Information on Classroom Response Systems and Particify with didactic notes

Information on Actionbound with didactic notes

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Choice

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Survey

Manufacturer documentation for Polls in Zoom

Information on Activation of large groups with didactic Notes


Using videos for teaching

Video can be used to create varied teaching materials that can be used in asynchronous settings and flipped classrooms (link) regardless of time and location. The multimedia learning experience provides students with visual and auditory stimuli, and complex concepts and topics become easier to understand through visual representations and animations. In addition, videos allow students to work at their own pace and review content as needed, promoting flexibility and self-directed learning.

Information on myVideo / Panopto with instructions on main functions

Information on video annotations

Overview of media production with information on video recording and editing

Hold video conferences

Leuphana offers Zoom as a video conferencing system to organise parts of the teaching in a location-independent and hybrid way, as blended learning or as a flipped classroom. This allows for real-time interaction between lecturers and students, promoting personal communication and enabling discussions and questions to be answered directly. Experts and guests can be integrated into the course from any location. Students benefit from different perspectives and experiences.

Overview of Zoom with functionalities

Overview of Microsoft 365 with Teams for employees

Knowledge management

Courses can generate a considerable amount of information. There are several ways and tools to document and channel this information. Collaborative knowledge generation enables active participation by students who can contribute their own ideas, deepen their understanding and benefit from the perspectives of their peers. Collaborative knowledge generation promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills as students are involved in an active process of discussion and reflection. It also strengthens their communication and teamwork skills, which are of great importance in today's professional world.

Information on Teaching Wiki (Lehrwiki)

Manufacturer documentation for the Moodle Activity Wiki

Overview of Academic Cloud with Only Office

Information on Moodle activity Upload folder (in German)

Information on Cryptpad with didactic notes

Information on Kanban Boards, e.g. WEKAN