Teaching Service & Support

As a service unit for teaching and teaching development, the Teaching Service supports teachers in the preparation, implementation and development of courses. At the interface between the operational and strategic levels, the focus is on a wide range of support services, especially in the area of digital teaching, support and coordination of applications, participation in projects for teaching development, and offers for individual further qualification and reflection on teaching.

The Teaching Service is also a hub where information and experience on teaching, learning and teaching development is gathered and exchanged - both across the University and in relation to current developments in the (inter)national education landscape. The Teaching Service Newsletter informs you about interesting new developments in (digitally supported) teaching.

Services & Support

In our Teaching Portal you will find a wide range of support services, in particular for

  • Teaching design with handouts on didactic methods, media production for teaching,
  • Tips for writing a course description (syllabus)
  • Reflecting on your teaching by creating teaching portfolios and receiving feedback
  • Innovating your teaching and teaching concepts
  • Digital tools and their applications
  • Applying for funding for teaching and curriculum development projects
  • Examinations at Leuphana with exam organisation, online exams, scan exams

We have compiled information about digital teaching in FAQ form (in German).


The Teaching Service offers a wide range of opportunities for the continuing education of Leuphana's teaching staff. These include a compact programme, a certificate programme in higher education didactics and a programme for English-speaking teachers, as well as a wide range of workshops on various topics. You can find more information about all the training opportunities offered by the Teaching Service on the Teaching Service web pages.


There are many ways to design a course. In addition to face-to-face teaching, online and hybrid components are also possible. The design of blended learning - the interweaving of synchronous and asynchronous parts in teaching concepts - is one of our consulting focuses.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if, for example

  • Want to discuss the technical and didactic challenges,
  • are still looking for a more suitable implementation of certain teaching ideas,
  • feel overwhelmed by the variety of digital tools and are not sure what is best to use and how,
  • would like to develop an already successful event.

Arrange an appointment with us!

Information about services of other units related to teaching and teaching organisation at Leuphana can be found on the intranet (access with VPN only).

Teaching Development Projects

The Teaching Service participates in and is partly responsible for teaching development projects.
Current projects are


The newsletter of the Leuphana Teaching Service informs you once a month about various topics and offers related to teaching and teaching development. These include current announcements, prizes and competitions, as well as events and conferences at Leuphana and other (inter)national universities, workshops, continuing education and the latest publications, media and materials that provide interesting impulses for innovative teaching, but also for organisational teaching development. Please register to receive the newsletter.


Please feel free to contact lehrservice@leuphana.de with any concerns you may have, such as advice on your teaching or digital tools.

You can find the contact details and main areas of advice for colleagues in the Teaching Service on our team website.