The Leuphana Salon

Teaching is influenced by many parties: teachers as well as students, central institution employees, individual actors and their initiatives. The Leuphana Salon offers everyone the opportunity to influence teaching development, be represented centrally and receive feedback regarding their activities, current considerations and perspectives. The Salon is supported by the network “Leuphana... on the right track!” and uses an open format without strict rules allowing all actors to make use of this campus-wide opportunity for exchange and to present their ideas. The Leuphana Salon forms part of the project “Leuphana... on the right track!“ (LadW). The LadW network advertises Salon events and offers its past experience to contribute to the Salon’s success. If you are interested in participating in the Leuphana Salon, please contact Norbert Sattler, Head of Communication in the LadW project. 

Find out more about the Salon events here.

Leuphana Salon. DigiTaL - Practice Transfer for Teaching Innovations

Since 2021, the "Leuphana: Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning" (DigiTaL) project has been a systematic and integrative place to strengthen digital teaching and learning. A wide range of teaching and learning innovations have been developed, tested and evaluated. Now the individual sub-projects want to exchange experiences, needs and inspirations, especially with those who will use the developed digital teaching and learning innovations in the future. Within the framework of this Leuphana Salon, questions of relevance, usability and the final steps towards a successful transfer into practice will be discussed. Specific project results will be presented and discussed in smaller groups to facilitate an intensive theory-practice transfer. 

 Leuphana Salon. DigiTaL - Practice Transfer for Teaching Innovations 

WHEN: 13.11.2024; 15:00 to 16:15 

WHERE: Transformation Rooms (C25.019)


For better planning, please register for the event by e-mail: Please also send any questions regarding registration or the Leuphana Salon to this e-mail address.

Three subprojects will present their results for discussion: 

Workshop 1: Enabling AI feedback for students

Lucas Jacobsen, Subproject 2

Feedback is one of the most effective ways to support student learning. However, students rarely receive feedback due to financial and human barriers. Generative AI can be a potentially time-efficient and high-quality solution. The questions that need to be addressed are Do teachers see added value in providing AI feedback to students? If so, what kind of support is needed to enable teachers to effectively integrate AI feedback into their courses?

Workshop 2: Digital testing - now and in the future

Marieke Röben, Subproject 5 

Since last year, digital exams at Leuphana have been anchored in the framework exam regulations. In this workshop we would like to focus on the following questions What are the good and bad experiences with e-exams? What would it take for e-exams to remain a good option in the long term? The perspectives of teachers and students will be considered and discussed together.

Workshop 3: Digital learning games for responsible use of AI and social media

Britta Werksnis and Dr. Johannes Katsarov, Subproject 8

New technologies such as AI and social media hold immense potential for innovation, which is constantly bearing new fruit. Unfortunately, these technologies also come with a variety of risks that are not obvious. We invite teachers at Leuphana to try out and discuss two of our "Serious Moral Games". These are educational games that have been tried and tested in the classroom and are available free of charge for your teaching.

  • Christina Durant