Teaching Wiki
The teaching wiki (in German) makes it possible to structure, share and develop knowledge with students in a similar way to Wikipedia.
The teaching wiki is available to all Leuphana teachers for use in the classroom. No special knowledge is required to set up a wiki yourself.
The wiki provides an effective infrastructure for collaborative working, to name a few:
- Wiki room structure: Wiki rooms can be created to organise content by course or project.
- Document management: The wiki can be used as a document repository to store and organise work, interim results and project documentation.
- Resource linking: Allows easy linking and cross-referencing of content.
- Customisable templates: Templates can help students to produce consistent and structured work and projects.
- Access control and privacy: Teachers can control access to specific content.
- Version control: Version history of pages is stored, allowing users to track changes.
- Search functionality: Allows users to search for specific content and resources quickly and efficiently.
In the university context, various scenarios of collaborative work have become established in the context of courses, such as the creation of course glossaries, the documentation of events by means of minutes, or the joint creation of subject content that is collected in a wiki. This form of collaborative writing distributes responsibilities and avoids isolated writing processes.
Possible scenarios for using wikis in the classroom are
- Practising writing and publishing in a teaching-learning context
- Creation of e.g. encyclopaedias, glossaries, FAQs
- Online brainstorming and discussion for groups and research teams
- Use a structured knowledge base
- Project management and documentation of workflows and processes within a research project
- Provide teaching materials such as slides, handouts, videos and upload exercises for structured learning
- Create digital portfolios
- Teacher feedback in the wiki allows students to track their performance
The use of wikis is most successful when the didactic preparation and monitoring of wiki work is supported by the provision of targeted tasks, advice on planning and organising group processes, and technical and organisational support for the writing process.
The Media and Information Centre (MIZ) is responsible for the technical set-up of a teaching wiki.