Lehre am Start

Lehre am Start is a three-month blended learning programme for lecturers who would like to start teaching at Leuphana and who are currently teaching their own course or plan to do so in the near future. In a compact form, the participants will acquire the basic knowledge for the planning and organisation of their own courses, for the assessment of examinations and for the feedback and communication in teaching. The programme will take place in the summer term 2024 and consists of 30 work units (1 unit equals 45 minutes). The programme is entirely in German.

Programme objectives

On successful completion, participants will have

  • be familiar with the formulation of learning objectives and basic aspects of good media-supported teaching,
  • be familiar with a range of planning models, methods and tools to support collaborative teaching and apply them to their course planning,
  • acquire the basics of learning objectives-based assessment and apply them in an assessment grid for their course,
  • be familiar with different ways of providing feedback and communication as a design element of teaching and reflect on their own communication and feedback preferences
  • have an overview of central didactic decisions in the planning and implementation of teaching and can take their first reflective steps in teaching.

Programme Structure

The programme has a modular structure and focuses on key issues in teaching design. Synchronous on-site, online or hybrid workshops are complemented by asynchronous task-based preparation and/or follow-up. A Moodle course is available for this purpose, which also serves as a central communication platform. Based on the flipped classroom concept, the workshops, which take place approximately 2-3 times a week, are designed to deepen knowledge, application and practice.

The final outcome of the programme is the production of a course concept for one's own teaching, including a reflection on the didactic choices that went into its production.

Structure of Lehre am Start


Planning Teaching (7 WU)

In the module "Planning Teaching" participants work with selected planning models and practise formulating learning objectives in a skills-focused way against a background of constructive alignment. Participants learn about the different levels of planning and didactic decision-making concepts and apply these to their own course descriptions. This includes reflection on their role as a teacher.

Feedback and Communication (5 WU)

In the module "Feedback & Communication" participants learn about feedback as a fundamental component of teaching and learning and can implement appropriate methods to support learning in a meaningful way. This includes designing feedback to students that is conducive to learning and promoting peer feedback as a learning element.

Conducting Teaching (7 WU)

In the "Conducting Teaching" module, participants will be given an introduction to media-supported teaching and will be able to weigh up the benefits of using media to support learning in their own teaching. Based on the challenges that teachers face in designing their lessons in an activating way and using group work to promote learning, participants learn about selected Leuphana tool groups and tools and how to use them in a didactically reflective way.

Examination and Grading (5 WU)

In the module "Examination and Grading" the participants learn about different assessment criteria, their weighting and the operationalisation of learning objectives on the basis of examples of assessment grids for written and combined academic work. They apply this to their own course and create an assessment grid. At the same time, participants are encouraged to reflect on the specificities of the subject culture when conducting examinations.

Ablauf und Zeitplan

Planning Teaching24.04.20249-13 hon-campus
Feedback and Communication08.05.20249-13 hon-campus
Conducting Teaching29.05.20249-13 honline
Examination and Grading19.06.20249-13 hon-campus
Submition Course concept05.07.2024  

Participation and completion

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance for the number of units completed (with a minimum of 75% attendance in the workshops and active participation).

It is necessary to complete all modules of Lehre am Start in order to continue with Lehre Plus and obtain the full certificate Blended Learning-Zertifikat für Lehrkompetenz.

Registration and contact

The programme has ended. We will be happy to add you to a list of interested parties for the next programme, possibly in 2025.