Become a chair sponsor at Libeskind's Auditorium
We have created a place where we can share our enthusiasm for science with you:
the central building of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. By sponsoring a chair in the Libeskind Auditorium, you or your company can support research, teaching and knowledge transfer at Leuphana. You are investing in an architecturally unique place that brings together very different people and enriches them through diversity, science, education and culture.
If you would like to sponsor a seat in the Libeskind Auditorium, there are various options:
— To book your seat sponsorship, simply write us an email
— Alternatively, you can complete and return the flyer to us by email or post to take out a sponsorship.
— If you would prefer to select your sponsored seat in a personal meeting, please contact us.
— If you are a company interested in sponsoring one or more seats, please contact us in person.
How to become a sponsor
Simply write an e-mail to and decide whether you would like to take over a category I armchair for €1,000 or a category II armchair for €500 (the price categories differ in terms of the seat position in the hall). Please also let us know which entry you would like on the chair plaque if the standard first and last name is to be deviated from. You will then receive immediate feedback from us to clarify any further details. Then transfer the amount to the account given below. By providing your contact details, a donation receipt can be issued to you by the university afterwards.
We greatly appreciate your support – and we want to make that visible.
As a thank you for your donation, your chair will be personalised with a nameplate. Your donation will be published by Leuphana University Lüneburg in an appropriate form and your name will be mentioned in selected communication media. The university would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:
- Landeszeitung für die Lüneburger Heide
- von Stern' sche Druckerei
- Karin und Henning von Stern
- Dr. Katharina und Christian von Stern
- Eberhard Manzke
- Clage GmbH
- Firma Havemann & Söhne GmbH
- Havemann Dienstleistungs- und Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG
- Silke und Georg Havemann Stiftung
- Sparkasse Lüneburg
- Helga & Henning J. Claassen
- audalis
- Elke Langlotz
- Sonja Langlotz
- Tim Langlotz
- Sebastian Langlotz
- Claus-Peter Langlotz
- Siegrid Rogalla
- Dr. Michael Manke
- Ann-Christin Achleitner
- Rotary Hilfe Hamburg-Harburg e.V.
Dörte Krahn
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1554
Ass. iur. Katharina Anna Mittrach
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-1959