Guests at the Economic Forum Winter Semester 2019/20
Guests at the Economic Forum Summer Semester 2019
Guests of the Economic Forum in winter semester 2018/19
Ben McKenzie
Ben McKenzie studied psychology and is Executive Director of the organizational consulting firm subject:RESOUL. He is also co-author of book and magazine articles on leadership and author of the book "Leadership Live".
On 17.10.2018, he gave the lecture "Visionary Nanomanagement or frößtmögliche Selbstorganisation - wie sieht die Führung der Zukunft aus?
Dr. Lorenz Jellinghaus
Dr. Lorenz Jellinghaus is a specialist lawyer and expert for venture capital and private equity and a member of the Business Angels.
On 15.11.2018 he gave a lecture on "Venture Finance - contract law design and practical problems".
Guests at the Economic Forum Summer Semester 2018
Severin Matusek
Severin Matusek works at co-matter, a Community Research Lab in Berlin and Copenhagen, and gave the lecture "The State of Communities 2018" on 28.5.2018.
Thorben Bendig
Thorben Bendig is Head of Strategic Management at the beverage company Lemonaid and gave the lecture "Good drinks - A closer Look at the 4 Ps of Lemonaid and Charitea" on 5.6.2018.
Dr. Sarah Tischer
Dr. Sarah Tischer, Leiterin Compliance der Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, hielt am 5.6.2018 den Vortrag "Umsetzung der Ethik-Compliance: Ein Beispiel aus der weltweiten Kaffeeindustrie".
Ellen Simon-Heckroth, Susanne Kolb, Dr. Peter Ruhwedel, Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff
Ellen Simon-Heckroth from BDO AG,
Susanne Kolb from Deloitte GmbH,
Dr. Peter Ruhwedel from the Financial Expert Association, KCU and FOM University
Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff from Kirchhoff Consult AG
were participants and discussion partners in a panel discussion on 27 June 2018 on the topic "New expectations gap in the management report - Reporting on CSR, Diversity & Co.