Research & Cooperation

The intensive exchange between research and practice is a key feature of academic work at Leuphana. In co-operation with partners from society and industry, its researchers search for innovative solutions to complex, practical problems.

If you are interested in a research or transfer co-operation, you can obtain further information from the co-operation service. This enables an uncomplicated initial contact. The staff at the Cooperation Service are available for a preliminary discussion on request and will inform you about the possibilities of cooperation between Leuphana University of Lüneburg and your company or organisation.

For example, you can find answers to relevant questions from your company or organisation within the framework of knowledge and technology transfer, initiate your own innovation projects with researchers from the university and initiate transformations. In this way, your company can benefit from the impetus of Leuphana's internationally recognised research environment and at the same time contribute to developing impact-oriented, sustainable solutions for pressing social challenges.

Below you will find some examples of current co-operation projects and formats.


Data Club Lüneburg

©Hacker School/ Lukas Faust
©Hacker School/ Lukas Faust
©Hacker School/ Lukas Faust

Achieving more together through innovation in the German education system! With the BMBF-funded joint project ‘Data Club Lüneburg’, Leuphana, the Hacker School and the youth education provider beWirken are working together with regional and national companies to generate enthusiasm for digitalisation and actively get to know future careers through programming. The Data Club Lüneburg thus creates an attractive extracurricular framework for children and young people to get started in computer science and discover individual career opportunities.


  • Prof. Dr. Burkhardt Funk




AI-based extraction of invoice items

©Anton Atanasov/
©Andrea Piacquadio/

Innovative AI for agriculture: ExRePo is developing methods to extract important data from invoices for purchased products and services using artificial intelligence. In this way, the project helps to automate accounting processes in agriculture and at the same time provide important insights for yield forecasts, seed and fertiliser recommendations - economically and ecologically optimised!


  • Prof. Dr. Burkhardt Funk

Job Lab

©Edmond Dantes/ PEXELS
©Visual Tag Mx/ PEXELS
©Anna Shvets/ PEXELS

The labour market is changing profoundly. But how can companies respond to changing job profiles and new forms of work? How can they find employees for unfilled positions and retain them in the long term? And how can employees find exactly the jobs that meet their individual requirements? Job Lab designs and tests new job profiles at the interface between science, business and society. Regional companies and the labour force are given a space in which they can think and experiment freely and develop innovative solutions in exchange with each other.

Project management

  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch

Scientific collaboration

  • Christian Otto, M.A.

Leadership Garage


Companies need a new culture - innovative and digital! The LeadershipGarage supports managers in driving the necessary change and empowering employees to successfully master the digital transformation. Inspired by the spirit of the start-ups and garage pioneers of Silicon Valley, Prof Dr Sabine Remdisch initiated it in 2014 in collaboration with the H-STAR Institute at Stanford University and leading international companies. Since then, the LeadershipGarage has combined academic research with practical experience. To this end, it brings together university researchers and business experts to analyse the success factors of the modern digital workplace. 


  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch
  • Hannah Vergossen


Shaping rural innovation ecosystems sustainably

©Landvorteil e.V.
©Landvorteil e.V.
©Landvorteil e.V.

The LIONA project is investigating how innovation works in rural areas and how it can be supported in order to promote sustainable development. Together with their partner neuland21 e.V., Leuphana researchers are investigating how structural change in rural regions can be driven forward and social problems addressed. The concept of innovation is being expanded, away from purely technological aspects and towards social innovations with a responsible social impact. This is important because conventional measurement methods often overlook such innovations, which means that their potential often remains unrealised.

Project management

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Wenzel

Scientific collaboration

  • Dr. Verena Meyer


Resilience acceleration programme for the music industry

©Cottonbro/ Pexels
©Sam Clarke/ Pexels
©Suvan Chowdhury/ Pexels

The music industry is currently challenged by skills shortages, new technologies and business models (streaming, AI) and demands for greater sustainability. The project aims to develop training programmes and campaigns to impart relevant skills to employees, action plans to promote innovation and better collaboration between the arts and business sectors, and guidelines for implementing environmentally friendly practices at resource-intensive music events. These measures are intended to create a resilient, connected and innovative music ecosystem as a basis for both artists and companies to be artistically creative, innovative and economically successful.

Project management

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlers

Funding programme

Interreg Baltic Sea Region, co-financed by the European Union


Social-innovative transformation through inclusive working environments

©Andrea Piacquadi/ Pexels
©Kai-Hendrik Schroeder
©StartupStockPhotos/ Pixabay

Creating inclusive jobs is important for a fairer society. The SinTrA project aims to integrate people with various barriers such as prison experience or addiction problems into the labour market. Through collaboration between science and practice, companies are to be supported in embracing this change. The project analyses obstacles for companies and customer concerns, develops measures to promote change and answers questions about the implementation of social innovations in the world of work.

Project Management

  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Farny
  • Prof. Dr. Monika Imschloß

Scientists involved

  • Prof. Dr. David Loschelder
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Genschow

Trans-Nation Co-Creation

Unleash potential, drive innovation, achieve success!

©Trans-Nation Co-Cration
©Trans-Nation Co-Creation

It is becoming increasingly urgent for German companies and institutions to establish a sustainable culture of innovation in order to be part of the pioneering developments of the future. In order to make this possible, the ‘Trans-Nation Co-Creation’ model has been set up to rapidly advance innovation. The model is based on the key building blocks of research, training and cooperation. The overarching aim of the project is to systematically convey the innovation mindset required to develop a culture of innovation, to make innovation something that can be experienced and learnt and to guide German companies and start-ups through targeted learning processes in their own innovation performance. These objectives are made possible by the project's very close links with the location that stands for innovation like no other - Silicon Valley.


  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch
  • Dorothea Berke




The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


If you would like to develop your own impact-oriented research or development projects with Leuphana or participate in ongoing projects to shape transformation, please contact us. The Cooperation Service will be happy to advise and inform you about opportunities for collaboration.

Andrea Japsen
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M14
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2971